3. First Day

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Chapter 3, First Day

Music was blasting through the whole house. Clothes spread everywhere. I had been standing here for 30 minutes and I still hadn't decide what to wear. At times like these, I wish I had a sister who could give me advice. I decided to throw on some denim shorts, matched with one of my favourite tees from ZARA. Now the worst part: my hair. I absolutely loved to do all kinds of things with my hair, but the only problem was that I couldn't do it myself. My best friend used to do my hair back in LA, but she wasn't here now so I guessed that I should step up my hair game.

After my 4th attempt of braiding my hair, I gave up. It looked like shit. Guess I'd be going with my natural straight hair. Whilst fixing my hair, I gave myself a good look in the mirror. My green eyes were surrounded by long lashes, covered in mascara. My face was a bit rounder, but not chubby and I gave myself a quick smile, thinking that I actually didn't have the worst lips in the world. Ofcourse I had imperfections too. You could see a little scar on my forehead and the bags under my eyes were clearly visible. But besides that, I didn't look that awful. It's just that I didn't look really good or anything either. I just looked "not" awful.

I quickly made myself some breakfast, put on my favourite pair of Doctor Martens and left the house, closing the door behind me. Now, let's find that bus stop before we miss it.
To my surprise, the bus stop wasn't that far away –just at the end of my street- and with a satisfied smile on my face, I watched the bus slowly approach.
"You need to go to the Go-Youth College?" I nodded to the bus driver and quickly got on the bus, the boy from last night instantly catching my eye. I couldn't help but think about how good he looked. His dark, messy hair. His strong jawline. Fuck, Katie get him out of your head.

The day went by pretty fast, the secretary gave me all the books I needed and my locker number + code. I had got lost a couple of times, my mum wasn't lying when she said that it was a big school. There were three buildings: Building D, building E and building F. I didn't know what happened with A, B and C.
I had hoped to make at least one friend, but unlike the movies, that didn't happen. I was a bit sad about it, because, even though it was a big school, everybody seemed to know each other. I felt a bit left out. But I couldn't get fed up about this, this was my first day, it's normal that you don't make friends on the first day. It would be better tomorrow, I told myself.

The last period was almost over, and as soon as the bel rang, I got out of the classroom. I made my way to my locker but was stopped in my pace because I harshly bumped into someone, causing him to drop all of his books.
"Watch it, will ya!" I jumped back, stepping on one of the books laying on the ground and slipped. My hand hurt like a bitch, and when I finally got up I noticed that the boy, whom I ran into, was already making his way out of here, not paying any attention to me.
"Fuck, my hand." I whispered to myself, making my way down to the medical assistance.

"You sprained your finger pretty bad. Keep on this bandage for a week and it should be fine. You can always get some ointment at a pharmacy to stop the swelling." I nodded, getting up from the bed, saying a quick "thanks" before getting out. Well, so much for my first day. I not only didn't make any friends, I also made an enemy. If you could call him an enemy, I was probably a bit overreacting.

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