28. Too Early

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Chapter 28, Too Early

"It was nice." I looked at Hannah as she grabbed the books she needed from her locker. We still had to go to my locker, but we didn't have a lot of time before we had to go to our classroom.

"Okay, I got 'em." She threw her locker shut and started walking. "Why did you go and get Grayson again?"

I pulled up my shoulders and huffed: "'Cause I felt bad for him. We hung out a couple times and suddenly we didn't anymore. I was hanging out with Ethan now and I was scared that Grayson would think I dumped him for his twin brother."

"Which you kind of did."

"I did not."

"You did." She smiled and stopped at my locker.

"I know." I stuck out my bottom lip as I entered the code for my locker.

"Hurry. We have to be in class in 5." I started pulling out all of my books, looking for the one for mathematics. One book after the other came out of the locker in front of me, but my mathematics book was nowhere to be found.

This was starting to get heavy. There were only two books left in my locker and I quickly grabbed them. I gave the one I needed to Hannah and wanted to throw in all the others.

"Hey, Katie." Ethan walked by and gave me a small wink. Did my heart just stop for a second? I watched him walk away and heard Hannah say something.

"Watch out, you're going to drop your..." She said, but it was already too late. My books and the floor united together, blocking the whole hall. "....books!" Hannah finished her sentence.

"God damnit."

"Did you just drop your books because Ethan winked at you?" Basma said as she came to stand next to me. I just blushed.


"I think I have a crush on him." My mom audibly gasped and set down her coffee mug.

"You do?" She looked so happy.

I couldn't possibly imagine how she is feeling right now. Me liking someone is a big step. After everything that happened with Oliver, I didn't want anything else to do with boys and love and all that shit.

"You should invite him over, I want to meet him." I laughed. Of course she wanted to meet him. But that's too early I'm afraid. It's a bit weird for him to already meet my mother. I don't even know Ethan that well, so inviting him over to meet my mother would be a tad bit rushed.

"I don't think that's a good idea."

"Too early?"

I nodded. "Too early."

I would love for him to come over, but I don't know what he thinks about me or about us. I know that he wants to be friends, but does he intend to be more in the future? I know that I wouldn't mind at this exact moment, but I don't really know that much about him so it wouldn't be the greatest idea.

"You should go out with him again. But go to a party where there are a lot of people from your school. It'll bring out the real him, show if he's like those boys who dump you the second they're with their friends or if they stay with you and drop you off at night." Her eyes widened, "OOOH, maybe he kisses you! If he's the good kind of boy anyways."


"Ask Marcus or Hannah! They'll say the same thing!" She stood up. "I'm going to go to bed now." I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight honey."

Maybe she was right. There will be a party this Friday. I know that the girls were talking about going there. Knowing Ethan, he'll definitely be there. Should I ask him to go together or go with the girls and unknowingly bump into him and see what happens?


What do you think Katie should do? Ask him out or go alone and bump into him? LET ME KNOW IN THE COMMENTS!

I want to apologise deeply for not uploading for such a long time. The past few months have been crazy. I went on a holiday to Italy and to Budapest and those holidays were amazing. I also started College, I'm studying International Journalism. 

It's a whole new chapter and I hope it's a chapter that I'm going to like.

I missed you guys. Again, sorry.

Xoxo Janne

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