30. Shit

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@morgand-13 I hope you feel better now that there is a new chapter!! ;) thanks for the support x

Chapter 30, Shit

Shit, that sounded sarcastic. Why was I being sarcastic? I'm so happy that he's here. Oh god, what will he think of me.

"Was that sarcasm?" God damnit.

"No, no, no. I didn't mean it like that. I'm glad that you're here." WHAT ARE YOU SAYING KATIE, " I mean, It's nice that you're here." I smiled at him.

He smiled back. This boy seriously does not know what he is doing to me.

"Can I introduce you to my friends?" He looked nervous and watched me intently, waiting for an answer.

"Sure." His hand grabbed mine and I didn't even have the time to freak out about it because in only a mere second, his friends stood in front of me.

Okay, you can freak out for just a little.

OH MY GOD, ETHAN FUCKING DOLAN IS HOLDING MY FUCKING HAND. I think I'm going to faint. Every tiny part of my body was heating up because of his touch and I felt like I could take on the world, just because he was holding my hand.

Ethan's hand was still in mine, "Guys, this is Katie." Fuck, did I miss their names?

"This is Jack," Oef, I didn't. He pointed to the guy with the curls to the right of me, Jack smiled. "and this is Aaron." Aaron stuck out his hand and I let go of Ethan's hand, taking Aarons in its place. I quickly shook it, letting my hand fall back to my side. Ethan didn't grab it again. A wave of sadness washed over me, but it was gone in a second. I couldn't be sad over something so small as this.

Aaron and Jack started talking about how long they've been friends with Ethan and I couldn't help but smile at everything they said. I was scared that they wouldn't accept me, but that was far from the truth. They acted like we had been friends for years, and I enjoyed it. I told them about my friends, especially about Marcus, about how we became friends, how he made me steal a cat from an old lady and how he always gave me boys-advice.

"What did he say about me?" Ethan asked, grinning.

"That you're cute." It was out before I knew it. Aaron and Jack kept quiet as Ethan's eyes locked into mine. Why why why did you have to make it awkward? I smiled at him quickly before saying: "But that you're an assbut for being such a jerk to me in the beginning."

"Assbut?" He laughed his adorable laugh, sending shivers down my spine and causing a tornado in my stomach, screw the butterflies.

"It's a Supernatural reference. You should watch it."

He laughed and shook his head, "Maybe I will."

Aaron, Jack and I started laughing, knowing that he wouldn't. "But I already apologised for being a jerk."

I nodded, "Marcus has forgiven you."

"Have you?" Ethan took a step closer to me, barely noticeable for anyone around us, but it made my heart flutter and my voice stutter.

"Y-yeah, I have. I've been pretty mean to you too." I smiled at him. Knowing that the past was behind us and there was room for a new future.

We kept talking and talking and I found myself falling for him bit by bit. It's like he crumpled the walls around me with his words. He made it okay to fall in love again.

But as the night went on, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me. I felt a pair of eyes bore into the back of my head. It gave me a feeling of discomfort, like I shouldn't be here anymore, like I wasn't safe. It made me feel like Oliver was near me, which I knew couldn't be right. Oliver couldn't find me, I travelled to the other side of America to escape from him.

Ethan's voice pulled me out of my thoughts, "Isn't that your friend?" His finger pointed towards Hannah, who was downing a drink before kissing a guy, who wasn't that bad looking may I add. The guy deepened the kiss before picking her up, wanting to take her upstairs.

Ah, I'm like a babysitter again. I quickly walked over to Hannah and pulled her from the guys hands. You may think that I'm a cockblocker, I sort of am, but I'm just following the rules that Hannah and I made a couple of months ago.

Rule #1: Never go home without each other, except when you didn't go together.

Rule #2: Always know where the other person is.

Rule #3: Do not let each other go upstairs with a random guy. Attack the guy if necessary.

And lastly

Rule #4: Pretend you're a lesbian couple when a guy won't leave you alone.

Hannah hugged me lazily, "Hey sister, he was cute." The words barely made their way out but I still smiled at my best friend.

"I'm cute too. Think about rule number three, Hans." She laughed and nodded before hugging me again. "You need some water." I muttered before getting her inside and placing her on a chair.


Hannah saluted me and started drinking the water while leaning on the counter in front of her.

"Is she okay?" Ethan asked from behind me. He was too sweet. He didn't even know Hannah, but still checked up on her. I nodded and drank a little water myself. It was hot here. They should really open up a window or something.

Ethan kept standing beside me, but I didn't really know what to say. Hannah started turning on her chair and screaming "Wheeeeee, I'm turning!" like she was a little child. She kind of is a little child. I really am I babysitter. What a plot twist.

"Is this how you normally party?" He laughed and looked at Hannah, laughing even harder when she almost slipped of the chair.

"She'll be sober in a couple of minutes." I grinned and turned my body to Ethan. "How do you normally party?"

"Well, usually Jack, Aaron and I sneak out and we sit in the garden and just laugh and drink a bit. We're not big party animals." He grinned, "Usually Gray is with us too. After a while, we tend to lose the party and go on an adventure. One of us is always sober, we're good kids like that."

I leaned into my hands that were placed on the counter top, intrigued by everything he was saying. "Where do you normally adventure to?"

"The beach, the hills, the city, sometimes we come home the next day. You never know."

"I want to do that, too. It sounds so nice."

"We can if you want to." The air around us was static. His eyes held me captive and I so badly wanted to put my lips on his, forgetting about everything around us. But I couldn't. He wasn't mine.

Should I go with him? Adventure in the night, all alone with him? "If it isn't as creepy as the last time."

He laughed before grabbing my hand. "Let's drop off the guys and Hannah first."


I'm going to start dedicating each chapter to a reader!! I'll pick someone from the comments from next chapter, this is a way of saying thanks to each and every one of you. 

Hope you enjoyed this.

Xoxo Janne

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