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first of all: LOOK AT THAT PICTURE OF OUR BABY. Jensen ackles is seriously life. 

But on to why I'm actually here bothering all of you.*Grins mischievously* LOOK AT THIS! I've been working on a new book. It doesn't have a title yet *Sighs* but it's getting there. When I've finished Secrets, I will start posting this one. It's a teen fiction and I really do hope that you guys will read this and like it when it's published! Here's a little teaser: 

       I looked at my best friend dumbfoundedly, "You didn't really mean that, right?"

       "I did," Ellis sat next to me, with a grin on her face from ear to ear, "you should totally ask him out."

      "I'm not going to ask him out," I glanced at Avery who was sitting in the front of the class. "He is way too popular, way too handsome and way, way, way out of my league!" My mouth was covered with my hands as I whisper screamed the words at Ellis. I swear that her parents dropped her on her head when she was a child. She always comes up with the most stupid ideas and thoughts, like this one.

       "Oh, shut it. Emerson, you're a nice girl, he would totally fall for you."

       "Guys like Avery don't like nice, they like sexy girls with big boobs and a thick ass." Ellis opened her mouth to protest, "Don't argue with me. I have been crushing on him for years and I know what type he likes by now."

       "Yeah, blonde bimbos with zero intelligence."

       "But with a nice ass," I added to Ellis sentence.

       "I'm serious, Em. You should at least try." She sighed and turned back to the front of the class, where Mister Davis was teaching us something about the Cold War. "You've been crushing on that guy since you were like 13 or something."


      "Shut up. I'm just saying, he has practically taken over your life and he doesn't even know you exist. Honestly, get over him or grow the balls to ask him out."

       I huffed, "If I magically developed the possibility to grow balls, I would. Otherwise, no."


       "Em? Are you even listening?" Ellis' hand waved in front of my face, "Emerson? I'm going to scream throughout the whole cafeteria if you don't start paying attention to me. I guarantee you that I will scream. Maybe then Avery will notice you. He'll know you as the friend of the lunatic girl tha-"

       I didn't know that so many words could come out of someone's mouth in such a short amount of time.

       "I'm listening," I looked her in the eye, "don't start screaming. Please."

       Ell kept on rambling, "So, as I was saying, I met this cute guy on Tinder and apparently he goes to the same school." She smiled, "He said that he has seen me walk through the hallways sometimes and that I always look beautiful. I should make him my boyfriend right away, right? You don't come across boys like that these days."

       "Think about the fact that you haven't seen him wandering through the halls yet, so that he could be lying and is actually just stalking you." I said.

      "Don't be mean. I can feel it in my guts, he's the one." Ellis looked at the door dreamily , as if this magical boy would come bursting in any moment, taking her with him to paradise.

       I wish that my dream guy would finally learn that I wasn't a non-existent human. That he would notice me sitting only a couple of seats away from him in history and math. I really should grow a pair of balls, go up to him and talk to him. I've tried it once before, almost a year ago. I was this close to saying hey to him, but I froze on the spot when I stood in front of him. He looked at me expectantly, but walked away after a minute or so because I was staring at him like a godforsaken lunatic. Man, I made a fool of myself that day. And best of all, it was all Ellis' fault. She pushed me in going up to him, like she is doing now, and I gave in. I am never going to give in to one of Ellis stupid ideas ever again.

Secrets // Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now