Chasing Cars

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Because I was so evil last chapter, I decided to continue.

Laura: Thank you! Now I can squeal *ahem* I mean....oh who am I kidding. I totally fangirl at Bumblebee fluff!!!

Lol. We know, Laura. Anyways, on with the story!!!


Water surrounded Yang when she went under. Her heart pounded loudly in her ears as her head swivled left and right in frantic movements to find the woman she jumped after. When she found Blake, slowly sinking to the floor of the sea, Yang swam fast to save her. And when she took hold of her, the Faunus' body alarmingly cold to touch, Yang activated her Semblance, to not only guide her through the dark waters, but to drag Blake out of the darkness she has called home for the last two years.

---------line break----------

"Its unlikely she'll survive, Ms. Xiao Long."

"Please, Ms. Xiao Long, you must give the doctor's time."

"I came to update you on Ms. Belladonna's condition, Ms. Xiao Long. Nothing has changed so far. I'm sorry."

This is what Yang has been hearing for the past 16 days. After rescuing Blake from drowning, Yang had immediately brought her to the hospital, yelling, no screaming for help. They instantly began to operate on Blake, saying a valve to her heart had ruptured. The Faunus was in surgery for over 15 hours. In that time, Weiss, Ruby, Team JNPR, even their old professors had come to wait for the news when Blake would be out of surgery. Though it wasn't at the forefront of her mind, Yang asked Weiss who was watching the twins.

"You don't need to worry about anyone other than Blake, Yang," was Weiss' response. "But to ease your worry, Team CFVY had volunteered to help us out. Coco wants us to call when Blake is out of surgery, though."

When Blake was finally out of surgery, the doctor had come to tell them. However, bad news had accompanied the good. Blake was in a medically induced coma and was having to use a ventilator. Her heart had stopped on them more than once and the ventilator was the only thing keeping the Faunus alive. Ruby had to run over to Yang to keep the huntress from falling over.

Yang's been in the hospital, in this one room, ever since they moved Blake in here. Yes, its the ICU, but no doctor has crossed her path with the intention of making her leave since the last time she was here. Ruby had asked Yang if she wanted anything from home. The blonde asked for a few change of clothes, her necessities, and the guitar her father had given her for her birthday during her third year at Beacon.

Yang held the wooden instrument in her hands, strumming cords at random before a song, though depressing, popped into her mind. She started to sing to the woman lying in bed, the only thing moving was her chest.

We'll do it all


On our own

With each note, with each strum of her string, Yang's eyes never left the prone form of the woman that will forever hold her heart. I was so stupid to leave you, Blake. Come back to me so that we can start over.

We don't need


Or Anyone

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lay with me and forget the word?

Yang glanced at the heart monitor as it faltered. She felt Blake trying to leave, trying to finally escape the pain. Who was she to deny the love of her life anything? One more song, one more kiss...then I'll let you go, my love. You'll finally be free.

I don't quite know

How to say

How I feel

Those three words

Are said too much

They're not enough

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lay with me and forget the world?

A nurse stood outside the door, an outsider looking in, knowing that this was the blonde's final goodbye. The nurse had seen many people leave this hospital in coffins or bodybags, all accompanied by heart wrenching sights, this goodbye, however, causes the nurse to silently cry. The emotion behind the words that are sung by the blonde in a soft whisper makes it seem like she and the black haired Faunus, dying in bed, were the only ones that cared. The nurse knew love when she sees it, but these two had something...bigger, stronger. Something that no one can define and that no one else will ever have.

Forget what we're told

Before we get to old

Show me a garden that's bursting into life

Let's waste time

Chasing Cars

Around our heads

Tears fell down Yang's cheeks as she came near the end of the song. Why...after all that we've been through, why couldn't we have gotten that ending you always used to read about in your books, darling. You always expect something like this to happen to someone else...

I need your grace

To remind me

To find my own

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lay with me and forget about the world?

The nurse walked in and stood by the plug, not daring to touch it until the blonde said so, but being there when the painful request was finally carried out.

Forget what we're told

Before we get to old

Show me a garden that's bursting into life

All that I am

All that I ever was

Is here in your perfect eyes, they're all that I can see

I don't know where

Confused about how as well

Just know that these things will never change for us at all

Yang stopped and let her watery lilacs run over the frame of Blake Belladonna, the strongest, most beautiful, most caring, most...everything woman, or Faunus, Yang had ever had the pleasure to meet, the pleasure to be partners with, the pleasure to be best friends with, to be the sholder Blake could lean on, to be the woman Blake could call hers. Every single instance where Yang either thought of Blake, smelled Blake, touched Blake, kissed Blake, hugged Blake, everything Blake came to mind at that very moment.

If I lay here

If I just lay here

Would you lay with me and forget about the world?

Yang placed herr guitar to the side before standing and going over to Blake, kissing her forehead before whispering to her, "Sometimes, I wonder if I had done anything different, if I would have met you sooner, I could have been able to tell you I love you that many more times." The blonde nodded to the nurse.

"I love you, Blake Belladonna."

And Blake took her final breath.


*evil laughter* You thought I would have let Blake live! You thought that the evilest thing I could have done was the previous chapter. BUT YOU WERE WRONG


I better not get severly injured by crazy Bumblebee fans. Till next time!

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