Chapter 1

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Today is my wedding day I'm getting married to a billionaire why the hell I am nervous for, "Lisa are you ready?" No I'm not ready I don't even love this man my mum made me do this. "Yes I'm ready. Come in"

"Are you ok Lisa? You look very nervous"

"Of course I'm nervous. Who wouldn't be nervous on their wedding day" my sister Jenny knows I don't love him but she told me to do it anyway. "Alright let's do this and get it over with" she shakes her head with a small smile on her face "anyway Lisa before you go i just want to tell you there will be a big surprise for you later. I think you would love it" my sister loves doing this to me "what is it this time?"
"No I can't tell you. you will find out later. now let's go"

Now I'm married. Me and my new husband jack sat at our table at the party we didn't say much to each other I saw this red head girl with green eyes, jack had his eyes on her most of the time "I see your enjoying your view" he looked my way and took a deep breath "let's dance." He grabbed me by the hand and we went to the dance floor there was slow music playing and it was a song that I didn't like "you are so beautiful. I'm happy that your my wife now" jack said with a grin on his face why mother why did you make me marry this guy. After the song was over their was another slow song playing I knew the song this time. It was rule the world by take that my favorite band. Some of the light went off that's when I hear a voice it sounds familiar

I turned around there he was singing at my wedding Gary Barlow, is this a dream Lisa did you fall asleep at the party. He got closer to me and took my hand in to his I couldn't believe it "surprise sis" my sister whisper in to my ear. His eyes are on mine I was lost it was like the whole world around us was gone. The song ended "congratulations love."

After that surprise me and jack took a few photos with Gary I still couldn't believe what happened. "Thank you Gary it was nice meeting you" jack said "I'm going to get something to eat. Are you coming Lisa?"

"Yes I will be there" Gary is still standing in front of me he has this sexy smirk on his face that I really liked. "I hope you have a great life with your husband. But if not.." He came close to my ear "you can always find me. Have a lovely night Lisa" did that just happen my heart was racing after he said that. That was the last time I saw him,


Jessie POV

"I'm going to do my run Mark I'll be back" Mark is my husband we been married for two years but I don't love him like I did the first time I met him he was so romantic but something change about him. Let's get this morning run going I'm in the park doing my morning run like I do every morning, I have on my pink tights on and my pink sports bra I like to run 10 laps around the park ok Jessie let's put on some music and get going, I put my favorite song burn by Ellie Goulding

I did my first three laps I started to do
The fourth lap but I tripped over how embarrassing that was. SHIT! My ankle was hurting so bad I heard someone coming behind me "ar..are you ok?" I didn't turn around to see who it was my ankle was hurting to bad I couldn't stand up. "No my ankle it hurting I think I broke it." He came around to get a good look at it that's when I finally saw who it was

"Mark Owen? I didn't know it wa..." I got cut off when he touched my ankle "you didn't brake it it's just sprained, let me help you up and get some ice on it" he helped me on the park bench and put a ice pack on it "thank you Mark, I guess you are the sweet one" I couldn't believe Mark Owen from take that just helped me and now he's setting next to me.

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