Chapter 2

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It's 10 at night Katherine still haven't gotten back I was worried.....worried about if she wouldn't come back...Robbie you fucked up this time, I decided to go to bed early I'm just about to go upstairs till I hear someone call my name "Robbie are you home"
"I'm here....I was about to head to bed early" she looked like she been crying.

"You say you care about me right?" I nod "of course I do" she gets closer to me. She looks so beautiful she kisses me softly on the lips "show me how much you care Rob. Love me"
I did as she told me.

Katherine POV

(Earlier that day)

I had to get out that house. I didn't want to see Robbie right now no I'm not leaving him I just need some space right now....I'm about to do the craziest thing ever I want to see Howard I knock on his door but he didn't answer it, I turn around there's a car pulling up his driveway "Katherine, why are you here"

"I needed to see you...I can't be around Robbie right now"

"Alright come in" I followed him into the house and into the living room he offer me a drink but I didn't want nothing. " and Robbie what's up"

"Well...I told you when I saw you last night at the club that Robbie is always busy and never have time for me" I looked down at my hands I couldn't say anymore "you think Rob doesn't care about you?" I nod "it doesn't seem like he cares....Howard I like you a lot"

"Yea....we are good friends Katherine" he doesn't understand what I'm talking about I really like this man...i love him very much "no Howard....I mean I love you more then a friend" he swallowed hard and looked at me confused "Katherine, you can't love me you have Robbie....why would you want me"

"I always loved you Howard...I wish I could of been with you Robbie doesn't love me" he shakes his head "rob loves you don't say that...I love you but. Look just go home and talk to him" Howard hugs me when I pulled away I tried to kiss him but he pushed me away "I'm sorry"

"No don't cry...just go home and talk to him now" i did what he told me I tried not to cry but I couldn't help it. Katherine what just happened why did you try to kiss him why?

(present time)

"Was that the best love making you ever had?" I love having sex with Robbie but I want more then that but that's the only time he cares about me. "Goodnight Rob"

The following day I'm home waiting for Robbie to get back he wanted to take me out today but he's still out working. Jesus robbie why are you doing this to me I don't understand you "Katherine I'm home" I'm so happy that he's finally home "I'm ready to go"

"Oh about that I'm sorry kat but I have a gig to do tonight..but I promise you I will take you out tomorrow" I nod. I was so upset I tried to hold back my tears "you can't cancel it?"

"Kat the fans already know I'm going to be there I can't let them down"

"Oh but you can let me down all the time" he turns to me and say nothing he was about to say something but I cut him off "just go Robbie but I might not be here when you get back"


I was sill at home thinking should I go or stay my mind tell me to leave but somethings else is telling me to stay. Stay with the man that doesn't care or love you or do he?
I've packed my bags as I was just getting ready to leave Robbie opens the front door...he looked drunk "Robbie I was jus.." I got cut off by Robbie kissing me I'm going to miss this he pen me into the wall and started to kiss me on the neck. "Mmm...Robbie" I moan even louder "Rob....I want you" he stops and look at me "let's go"
"Wait what?....go where?" He grabbed my hand I wanted to pull away but again something is telling me to stay. "Get in the car baby....I'm going to take you somewhere special" he went around on the driver side of the car.
And we were off

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