ISOBEL Chapter 7

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Two weeks later, Sam found himself waiting for his partner outside of the airport, leaning on his black challenger. He watched a handsome couple emerge from the building and at first, he didn't recognise them. When they came closer he got a bit of a surprise as to who they were. 

"G, man you look good. Your hair, you almost." He hesitated the next bit because it really did look good on him. He turned to Isobel and saw her face worried. 

"You look like a human being for the first time since I've known you, G." He was going to say, you almost look like you've been to the same barber as Deeks, but stopped when he saw Isobel's face. She looked relieved and smiled at his change in response.

"Hello, Sam," they both respond, while Callen and Sam gave each other a man hug.

"Isobel, you look beautiful." He could see the beautiful woman his partner had fallen in love with—now that she had gained some weight and her colour had returned to her complexion. "When you get sick of my partner here, you can look me up for a date." He winked down to her.

She broadened her smile and looked at Callen.

"Not on your life, Sam. You will have to fight me for her." Callen knew Sam was having some fun, and he had to admit, it was good to be back in L.A. with his partner again.

Sam chuckled and helped Isobel into the front seat of the car, while Callen assisted the attendant place their luggage and wheelchair into the boot and back seat, where he climbed in. It was strange for him to be in the backseat of Sam's challenger, but for once he didn't mind because it was more comfortable for Isobel to be in the front.

"Talking about fighting," Sam began. "You both have two mini agents to deal with when you arrive at Hetty's. Actually, all four of them have had Deeks and Kensi on their toes for the past seven weeks."

"Oh no, what have my kids been up to?" Isobel asked, shaking her head. "Ever since they found out what I did for a living, they've been playing Federal Agents. But I am not surprised, as they are naturally talented. It is after all, in their blood." She turned and looked at Callen.

Sam chuckled and looked in the revision mirror. "G, you're going to have your hands full with those two. They will put you in your place very quickly."

"What do you mean, Issy, about since they found out what you do for a living?" Callen asked, concerned about what his kids knew and have been exposed to at such a young age.

Sam looked over to Isobel. "They admitted to me when I arrived back about their escapade in the back of your car to work."

She looked at Sam, surprised he had managed to get any details out of them. "They must like you, for them to tell you something like that. They limit who they tell much of anything to. I struggle mostly with Jack to talk to me about things, but I know at least he has Sophie. It must be a twin thing. They keep so much to themselves, which probably is a good thing after them stowing away in the back of my car. I was so angry and worried, I couldn't talk to them. My partner, Paul, had to deal with them." She shook her head at the memory of it. "What made it worse, was the suspect seeing them peering out of the window. They were only eight at the time."

Callen was intrigued by listening to Sam and Isobel talking about his children like this. He really couldn't wait to meet them.

Sam pulled up in front of the large red brick home, and they found themselves surrounded by a battle of some kind. Callen watched Deeks stop running and be told by a girl to get on his knees. He was fascinated by her and as he climbed out of the challenger, he had all of his attention on her. 'She's beautiful,' he thought to himself. He stood and watched her frisk Deeks and disarm him of his weapon. His eyes widen at this action, wondering why Deeks had his weapon on him around his children. But then he remembered Hetty telling him before he left, that they would be on protection detail of Isobel's family, while he and Sam were away. As Sophie placed Deek's own handcuffs on him, he smiled and chuckled to himself, 'she'll make a great agent one day.' He noticed her smile and he was blown away by her.

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