ISOBEL Chapter 20

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Hetty arranged for the whole family and the team to be at the beach house for when Callen and Isobel arrived home. She knew it was going to be an emotional reunion, especially for Alexander, Rose, Marcus and her grandchildren. All they knew was that Callen had been injured and that he was finally coming home. She had hoped bringing them all together would brighten them all up, but they were still grieving the loss of Isobel. There were many moments where Hetty almost blurted out that Isobel was in fact alive. But she hesitated on exactly how to word it. Nothing seemed to be the right way. Sam had gotten angry with her when she had revealed it to him. But it hadn't been her idea. She couldn't deal with having anyone else blame her either. She understood Sam's anger, as she had been fuming herself when Director Vance had filled her in on the operation. She feared how Callen had taken the news when he found Isobel in Russia, but from what Gibbs had told her, Callen had been more relieved that she was alive and instantly understood why she had done it.

She looked over at Alexander and saw the sadness in his eyes. He still bore the guilt over his family's actions towards Isobel. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get him to open up to her. He had closed down and became withdrawn. Although he sat beside her by the pool, he remained silent. She had to do something to help him. "Would you like to come out to the airport with me, Alexander, to pick up Callen?" she inquired. She hoped he would say yes.

Alexander's heart had felt heavy all day, knowing that it would be painful seeing Callen again without his daughter. But he saw hope in Hetty's eyes, something he hadn't seen over the past month. 

"Alright," he agreed.

He remained silent in the drive out to LAX, preparing himself for the moment he saw Callen again. He knew it had been the right decision to go with Hetty, but he still felt lost. Lost without his daughter. He climbed out of the car after Hetty had parked it in the multi-storey car park at LAX. The sun was shining brightly, but the darkness of his gloomy emotions hung like a heavy dark cloud over him. He squinted as he walked across the bridge to the terminal. The airport was bustling with travellers and family or friends, sending their loved one off on a trip or welcoming them home again. He felt his eyes well up. He shouldn't have come, he thought to himself.


Alexander blinked and looked again. He thought his eyes and ears were deceiving him. "Isobel?" He watched his daughter leave her husband's side and run towards him.

"Papa! I've missed you so much." Isobel wrapped her arms around a surprised Alexander, who was still trying to get his head around her being alive. He took in her scent and he knew that she was truly home again.

"You're alive! I've missed you too, sweetheart. Too much." He pulled slightly away from her to take her features in again. "I don't understand..."

"It was all planned, Papa. Please don't be mad with me. I'm sorry, I've hurt you...we're all safe now." Tears slipped from her welled up eyes as she saw the grief in her father's eyes. "I've put you through too much."

"Never." Alexander pulled her back in for another hug. "Never do that to me again. Please!" He pleaded. "I don't think I could go through that again."

Isobel cried in her father's arms, alongside Alexander who found the emotion of seeing his daughter alive again, overwhelming. "I promise, Papa."

Callen watched the family reunion and he was desperate for their children to see their mom alive again. He knew just how much the grief had taken hold on them all.

"Welcome back, Callen." Hetty greeted her team leader and son-in-law. "You've both have been missed considerably."

"Thanks, Hetty. I'm just thankful Issy is alive and safe." He bent down and hugged the older woman, whom he'd looked to as another form of a mother for as long as he could remember.

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