ISOBEL Chapter 28

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Marty Deeks held his partner's hand as they left the terminal of Charles De Gaulle Airport by train. They sat huddled close with their bags at their feet as they took in their surroundings. They were underground, the lights were on but what they both needed was a dark room to sleep in. They were exhausted after a week working long hours to find Lori Fielding, even before they stepped onto their twelve-hour flight to Paris. Once they arrived at their hotel, they would report to Nell and Hetty. Then and only then would they crash and sleep. Thankfully, they were on an express train into Gare du Norde. It wouldn't be long before they were in the center of Paris, with a short walk to their hotel.

The train rattled along the track as the partners rested their tired heads on each other's shoulders. The movement on the train lulled them into slumber. Kensi pulled away and shook Deeks, as she felt the train slow down. The large train station billowed over them as they stepped off the carriage. The high roof of the station stretched over their heads, making them feel small. Deeks shook his head and laughed when he saw a familiar face on a billboard.

"How does Hetty do it?" He asked her as he pointed to Sam's rapper alias' advertisement up in prime position.

"I have no idea," Kensi replied, surprised to see Sam look so at ease in his alias as a rapper. "He looks good though. Don't you think?"

Kensi smiled at Deeks' befuddled expression. "Really? You think Sam passes for Bad SEAL 6?"

"Yes, I do. He fits the SEAL look and the rapper part well. I think we should buy tickets before you make a judgement and write him off." Kensi dragged her partner through the train station and out onto the Parisian streets. She quickly gathered her bearings before leading him up a few blocks to their hotel.

They entered the revolving door to their hotel and admired the craftsmanship on the walls and ceilings of oiled paintings and plasterwork. Carved wooden panels lined the walls down to the marbled floors. Kensi and Deeks both hitched their breaths as they took in the luxurious hotel Nell had booked them into.

"Remind me to bring you back here for our honeymoon, Fern."

Kensi rolled her eyes since she knew he said things he did not mean. He was a talker, a man who survived by making people believe what they wanted to believe. When the job required it, that was. But she wondered silently if that was what was truly on her partner's mind. Not that either of them could come close to afford a honeymoon in this hotel.

Kensi allowed Deeks to play his part as the husband in their aliases to the desk clerk. She followed on looking bored, but she was really taking in the people and the exits, in case they needed them. They entered the elevator and told the operator to take them to the sixteenth floor. They remained quiet as they waited for the doors to open and let them off on their floor.

"Here we go, Fern." Deeks swiped the key card and opened the door. He placed their bags on the floor, holding the door open and picked Kensi up, surprising her.

"Max. What are you doing?" she whispered, feeling embarrassed.

"Carrying my bride over the threshold," Deeks smirked as he pushed the bags away from the door and continued carrying her onto the large bed and putting her down. He gently trailed his fingers along her jaw and down her neck, causing Kensi to shiver.

"Max. We're here for work."

Deeks only murmured as he brushed his lips across her cheek, his beard tickling the nerve endings on her skin.

"Later. I need you now," Deeks husky voice replied.

Kensi's cell rang bringing Deeks out of his trance. He pulled away and watched Kensi take the call, wiping his face with his hands. He looked out of the large window and smiled at the view of another two buildings. Their suspect's father's apartment was across from theirs, slightly to the left. He saw a figure looking out of one of the apartments at the other building. He caught the direction the figure looked out to and he could see the man was obsessed with whatever he saw. Deeks drew his eyes in the same direction and raised his brows at what he saw. A naked man and woman who were not shy at hiding their foreplay from view. Deeks quickly drew the curtain, embarrassed by what he saw. But curiosity got the better of him as he peeped out and realised the man was watching this same couple. He looked again at the couple across from him and creased his brow. Something wasn't right. Why would a couple not close their curtains, knowing that there were other apartments overlooking theirs?

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