ISOBEL Chapter 14

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Callen was more than peeved with Isobel when she arrived home two weeks later. He was seething when she walked in through the door.

"Where the hell have you been?" For two weeks, he had no text messages or phone calls from her. She knew it was going to be hard for him, but it was important that he didn't know.

"I've been on assignment." She placed her bag on the floor and moved closer to him for a hug. She had missed him and desperately needed comfort from him.

Callen stepped back from her. "I'm going for a run." He ran upstairs to change. He didn't get far, as he turned, Issy stood leaning on the door frame into their walk-in robe.

"So you're peeved with me. I get it, Cal. But ignoring me isn't going to deal with it." Isobel stood her stance.

"Huh! Says she who disappeared for two weeks without a word." Yes, he was peeved with her. But the worry that sat in the pit of his stomach bothered him more.

"I left a message with my mom." She knew he wouldn't be satisfied, but she couldn't tell him what really was going on. "Look, Cal, I'm sorry if you are upset with me, but you of all people know what it's like when you go undercover."

Callen had to admit she was right. How many times had he gone undercover without warning? It still didn't help that tightening in the pit of his stomach. "I just worry about you, Issy. After all that you've been through, I nearly lost you twice...I couldn't bear to lose you again."

"You know how good of an agent I am, Cal. You need to trust me that I will be okay and that my partner will have my back. I've been doing this for a long time, remember?" She moved closer towards him, she saw signs of him calming down. "I've missed you, Cal. But I need you to trust me as an agent again. I am not fragile, you know."

Callen nodded. "I'm sorry, Issy. I've missed you so much. You're right." He gently moved some hair from off her face as he brushed his fingers down the side of her face, which she in turn rested her head in his hands. They both hated their fight, but they understood why it had happened. "Just promise me, next time you'll let me know in person, that you have to go, okay?"

"I'll try, Cal. But I can't promise anything." She studied the emotions that quickly crossed his face before he hid it. 

"So how are you?" She watched his emotions change as she changed the subject.

"I'm fine," he replied. "How are you?"

"That bad is it?" She saw confusion cross his face as she smiled. "We both know what the word 'fine' really means, Cal. Freaked out, insecure, neurotic and emotional."

Callen shook his head and smirked at his wife. How she did it, he never knew, but somehow, she always managed to pull him out of his moods. "You are good, you know that don't you? You are the only one who can manage to do that to me?"

"Manage what?" Isobel knew exactly, but she loved to play dumb.

Callen pulled her in closer and kissed her passionately on her lips. "You know exactly what, Issy." He picked her up and carried her over to the bed, while Issy laughed all the way. She was so beautiful when she laughed. He realised he hadn't seen much of her laughing since she had lost their baby. Something had been bothering her, but he noticed a shift in her, her old confidence had returned. Whatever happened on her op while she was away, it had done her good.

A few weeks later

Life returned to normal for a while, until the next time Issy had to go away—without a word of where she went. Her time away was the same as the last time of two weeks, however this time, she was with Callen when she received the call. He watched her face darken and he noticed her body tense, while she chatted to whoever it was on the other end of the call. She never said much, so he had no idea what was going on.

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