School Trip Time / 2nd Period

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I sat on the roof of the inn we were staying at. The sky looked lonely. The stars seemed so cold and distant from each other. Were they always that way?

Maybe I can only perceive it that way because deep down I know I'm the one who's cold and distant. I wish...

"Hey. What are doing up there all alone?" Akabane looked up.

"Just stargazing. I'm done though." I climbed down.

Truth was my stomach still hurt like hell and I hadn't really wanted to come down.

Suddenly I realized he was wearing a robe the inn lent out. I half expected him to laugh my shorts and tank top, but he didn't. He may have wore his normal smirk but his eyes seemed sad.

"I'm going to go take a bath, if you'll excuse me..."

I found it incredibly hard to be around sad people because I never knew how to cheer them up.

I found the baths and surprisingly it wasn't empty.

"Kara-chan!" Kayano was there with Kanzaki.


I quickly washed my hair and started washing my body before getting into the tub with the others. I didn't even try to hide the bruises on my back and the one that formed on my stomach.

"Oh my god! You're covered in bruises! Are those from that jerks earlier?!"

I sighed and sat down in the water along side Kayano. Kanzaki sat there unspeaking and looked as if she was about to cry.

I sank down a little and spoke softly. "I couldn't let him beat up either of you. And I didn't know how else to distract him."

"You... Were protecting us?" Kayano began tearing up. "You didn't have to go that far..."

"It's fine. It doesn't hurt as bad as it looks."

I couldn't help but turn my face away.

"What about the ones on your back and arms?"

"The reason I came to Class E was because I would fight with other high schoolers and thugs. Someone from the school caught me and reported me."


"They always started it first. I don't understand why but they always targeted that smaller people who couldn't fight back."

"They're like the high schoolers we met today then..."

"I'm done... You should get out too else you'll get all prune-y."


"Also... Please don't tell anyone that I got hurt. I'd prefer to avoid being fawned over."

I quickly changed into my robe. However I didn't feel like doing anything. If I went to the girls room I probably wouldn't be able to sleep yet.

I wandered around the inn for few minutes. I sighed and leaned against a wall. My insides burned and it seemed that I had a slight headache forming. I closed my eyes hoping it would help just a little.


My eyes snapped open and I turned to the person behind me. The class's ikemen and representative was there. He seemed worried.

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