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~~~~~~~~Mark's POV~~~~~~~
I  finished the stream and leaned back in my chair. "Phew...what a day." I stood up and grabbed my phone. Should I call Lily? It's really late...I started down the stairs and out the door. Like they'll be sleeping anyway. I called her and waited.
"Can you come get me?"
"Wha-" well I thought they would be awake, she was half asleep.
"Lily, you used my car. I need you, to come pick me up."
"Alright hurry up."
"Hmm hm." She hung up and I assumed was coming for me.
                    *an hour later*
Lily pulled up to the curb and I got in. "What took you so long?"
"Hey, I was asleep when you called. You woke me up i should be slapping you!" I laughed and stared down the road as we drove. "Is she awake?"
"Everyone was awake except me."
"Is she still having spasms?"
"Why do you think we were awake?" I nodded as we continued down the road. We pulled in the parking lot and I jumped out the car. Lily yelled after me as I ran. "Thanks for waiting for me Mark I appreciate it!" I got inside where I had to walk and wait for Lily. She came up to me breathing heavily. "''re!" I laughed. "Yes but I'm also taller then you therefor easier to run." She crossed her arms and huffed. "Thanks for rubbing it in." I patted her head. "You know you love me!" I turned and started walking to the elevated and she followed. When the doors opened I took off to Naomi's room. When I opened the door Crys stood up and before I could say anything, she came over and slapped me. "Where the hell have you been? Naomi has been having spasms ever since you left and it's really bad and it's all your fault!" She pointed her finger in my face, her voice loud and harsh, she was shaking with anger. "Crys calm down."
"No Mark I will not! Never tell a girl to calm down! Just be happy, I can do much worse to you but I love you too much and so does Naomi and Sean and Lily and I wouldn't live with myself! Now look what you're doing to me!" She was screaming at me and didn't seem to care. I reached up and pushed her finger down. "Crys, I'm sorry-" she turned away. "Mark I don't want to here it! My best friend is in the hospital with cracked ribs and spasms. I don't know what to expect and-and...I don't know what to do..." her yelling dialed down and she sat down hiding her face. I took a step towards her. "Crys?..." she looked at me with tears in her eyes. "What am I supposed to do Mark? I don't know." Tears streamed down her face. I held out my arms. "Come here." She stood up and accepted my hug. "Thanks Mark, I need this." Her voice was muffled by my shirt. I rubbed her back in a soothing motion. We pulled apart and she wiped away her tears. "It's just with Naomi being here, Lily is acting weird lately, and I have no idea where Sean is-" I cut her off. "What?"
"Sean disappeared after you did, Lily gets weird and nervous all the time, and Naomi fell asleep watching you're stream and hasn't had a spasm yet but she's been asleep for hours." I sat down and ran my hands through my hair. What? Crys sat in a chair next to me. She let out a sigh. "So are you going to do it?" I looked at her. "What?"
"You know, your promise?" I did a mental face palm as I remembered. "Uhh yeah, I'm going to do it. But it's gonna have to wait." She smiled and nodded. I looked back at Naomi. "Is she going to be okay?" Crys let out a sigh. "I don't know, the doctor said the spasms are common with black outs. But she won't be out of the hospital for a month." I looked at the ground. A month? Are you kidding? Crys reached over and grabbed my hand. "Mark, what's going to happen?" I looked at her. "I have no idea." I squeezed her hand. "I have to keep my promise, both to Naomi and to my fans." She smiled. "Of course you do, you have to." Soon Lily burst though the door. " kill you." She leaned against the wall catching her breath. Crys walked over to her. "Why?" Lily pointed at me. "He...he ran from me...twice." I chucked and stood up. I walked over to her and gave her a hug. "Awww, I'm sorry." She pulled away and lightly punched my shoulder. "You're lucky I love you." We all laughed and sat down. I checked my phone. "It's going on 5am. Should we sleep?" Crys let out a yawn and stretched out. "I thought you'd never ask." I scooted my chair closer to Naomi and held her hand. I smiled as she stirred and squeezed mine. Soon I fell asleep along with Crys and Lily.
~~~~~~~~~~Naomi's POV~~~~~~~~
I sat straight up and glanced around the room, breathing heavy and sweating. I let out a sigh of relief when I remembered where I was. Another dream. I leaned back and closed my eyes. I opened them again when I noticed my hand inside another's. I looked to see it was marks. Oh my god MARK! I swung my legs to the side and hugged Mark, he stirred and woke up. Soon he hugged me back. "N-Naomi?"
"Yes Mark, it's me."
"Oh my god you're awake!"
"Yeah so?" I pulled back and felt the sting of my ribs. "Ow, ow ow ow ow OW WHAT THE FUCK?!" I laid back down and clenched my side as the pain intensified. "FUUUUUUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! GET A DOCTOR!!" Mark stood up and ran out the door as Lily and Crys woke up. They rushed to my side and held my hands, one on each side. The pain started taking over me, my vision was blurry and my head started throbbing. I heard the doctor come in and try to talk to me but their voices were very faint. Soon everything started to spin and all I saw was black.
~~~~~~~~~~Mark's POV~~~~~~~~
"FUUUUUUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK! GET A DOCTOR!!" I ran out the door to the counter. "Help! Her ribs they're hurting her!" Nurses ran into the room I came out  of and soon a doctor came along. We got inside and the doctor started asking questions. "Naomi where is the pain? On a scale of 1 to 10 how painful. Have you been staying in bed at rest?" With every question I gained anger. He is the worst doctor ever. All she did was groan in response. "Are you kidding me she's in too much pain to answer just do something!" With that he rushed me and Lily and Crys out the door.
                  *2 hours later*
We went to the waiting room where I walked back and forth and pounded my head on the wall. "Mark stop you're going to hurt yourself." Crys has been yelling at me since we walked in there. "Good, maybe I'll fall into a concussion and wake up knowing this was all a dream!" Crys stood up. "Mark don't say that!"
"Well what am I supposed to do! The love of my life is in the hospital with cracked ribs and much worse then I ever thought!"
"What did you expect Mark? She has a past! Abusive family and ex boyfriend, and self harm and what not and us!" She gestured to herself and Lily, who was crying in a corner. "I have a past! Lily has a past! So does Naomi and you can't tell me you don't! We didn't ask for this, who would?!" She was screaming again, this made me glad that we had a private waiting room. I turned to her. "Nobody ever had problems like we do." She slapped me. "Everyone has problems Mark! Everyone has flaws. No ones perfect!" She turned around and walked out, slamming the door behind her. Lily, still sobbing ran out after her. Her words hung in my head. No ones perfect.

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