Bitches get stitches

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Oh my god it that Camilla. That hoe she really is kissing Justin wait isn't Justin Austins friend . I took out my phone and recorded wait he said I can't do this to austin "you just did Camilla said I stopped recording as I was turning around I bumped into a hard chest I look up to see Austin " spying isn't good , he chuckled I blushed at how cute his smile and laugh . I wasn't spying, I lied "are you sure ,he frowned . I sighed I looked up at him and told him to follow me he smirked " um about us ,I spoke. WhAt about us he said . Well um never mind I ran all the way home .
5min later(at home )
Ugh why Is Austin hard to be with I called my friends Selena she doesn't go to my school though. About 10 minutes later she arrived we went up to my room I explained everything that happened I even showed her the video. "Bitches get stitches,she said I stared at her with blank face ' not you silly play hard to get with Austin and act badass around him and Camilla " I smiled at the idea of that I kinda feel bad but it's true Camilla deserves it she just causes trouble . Me and Selena were on our way to the mall to get clothes for our plan as soon as we arrived I went straight to forever 21 but I stopped at the sight in front of me Austin and Camilla kissing I teared up a bit Selena hugged me she whispered "remember badass she said I shook off the tears and I was ready to begin this war like Selena said BITCHES GET STITCHES 😲

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