Camilla and problems

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Austin' pov
I answered the call "hey babe, she said . What do you want , I mumbled. Well I miss you and I was wondering if we could do Netflix and chill you know just me and you , Camillas spoke. I got a felling it's the feeling that I call a sexual emotion it gets me horny( sorry this is what is going to help it) I called Becky but she didn't answer her phone by the minute I kept getting more and more I couldn't stand it so I called Camilla she immediately answers I told her I was in need she told me she is on her way . After a couple minutes she arrived right when I opened the door it wants Camilla it was Becky oh shit she walked inside and hugged me tight I hugged back and prayed that Camilla didn't show up I took Becky up to my room right when I opened the door I saw Camilla there and she was wearing very skimpy clothes

Beckys pov
When me Austin walked up to his room Camilla was in there NAKED I got so mad I grabbed her by the hair and punched her and told her what she was doing here she smirked and me and said Austin invited me over he was in need and I guess you weren't enough . I got so mad I ran out I can't believe Austin did this to me why dose he keep promising me that he won't hurt me yet he hurts me and makes me feel useless and unwanted I ran straight home I heard Austin calling my name I ran faster he quit and screamed sorry I didn't bother ...

Austins pov
It's wensday Becky hasn't showed up her best friends Kylie and Kendall told me she moved and didn't want to see me but that she will come back senior year I was sad I didn't want to eat for days I failed Becky I got into my bad boy habit again I miss her but every time I hook up with other girls I forget about her Camilla stays bothering me but she had to move because I got her pregnant yet we hadn't has sex since what last happened she moved because her parents mad her ...
Beckys pov
It been a year and I wants ready tommrow I was going back to my old school were Austin was he is  the last person I would want to see ..

This sucks so bad I know I wrote this in a rush I wanted to update because I haven't updated in a while I will try so much to update every dAy if I don't I will either be busy or I just have a lot of homework but I will update as soon as possible

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