huh ?

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I walked into the vintage looking class room as I looked down at my schedule I saw that is was all the classes from last year witch meant I had Austin for all my classes except for my elective and math witch was great because I sucked at math and I didn't want to see him . oh shoot I just remember its senior year. As I took my seat I got all types of look but most had eyes as if they felt sorry . I had a feeling that when I left things had happened I shook my thoughts and went straight to my backpack and took out my journal and did my warm-up witch evolved writing a essay I don't get this its just a warm-up. As the bell rang indicating that class started I look up and roam the class room I finally stop and meet eyes with the one person I least expected .... Austin he smirked at me and wiggeld his eyebrows I blushed and turned around up to the board to meet my face with the teacher well hello miss Becky I see you are back and looking wonderfull as always . I heard a scoff from the back of the room everyone gazes there attention to the one and only person I hate with all my life Camilla cabello everyone rolled there eyes at her and turned back to their work the teacher asked " is there something bothering you miss cabello the teacher , snickerd. " uhm yeah you just called this slut a wonderful looking person,Camilla said. " um really you are the one who had sex with her ex boyfriend, a rondom dude shouted. I sighed and looked down brought back the harsh memorie I lived I went back to work but I looked back one more time to Austin and saw that he had guilt written all over his face. I couldn't live like this I thought for a moment and made my mind that I was going to act like nothing affected me when deep down it Hurts me badly.
After a long period clee time
The bell rang and i gatherd everything into my backpack and excited the class room I jammed everything into my locker and made my way to second period. "Good morning class , the loud sound from Mrs.George brightend up the whole class. this was excelarated English I smiled brighter then the sun to see my favorite teacher I could count on her when I needed her but I really never came to her for advice i usually went to my mother for advice. I look down at a piece of paper stuck on to my desk I know you had a hard time the news spread quickly I hope you take it form me your ex did not think right after you left. ~ mrs .George. I look up From the piece of paper to see mrs.George standing in front of me waiting for me to hug her I get up from my seat and hug her I am so thank full that I have a teacher who actually cares. I let loose from her grip and smile at her after a while the class went bye quick I really had nothing to learn just the basics. I walk out of class in a fast pace and rumble all my papers in the locker I walk into the lunch and meet up with Kendall and Kylie . but I bumped hard with a hard chest causing me to stumbled but being caught by a handsome looking boy..

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