9/27/15 Awakening

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Hm. It's always hard to remember your first time, especially  when it was a year ago, maybe longer. I guess it was when I began to read the series Spirit Animals. I became so obsessed that I came back in touch with my love of animals, and pretending to be one, as I did with my sister years before. I played the online game, which only allows the user to have the spirit animal of a tiger or fox from the start. I chose tiger, for I had always loved tigers and admired them. This led me to start to think of myself as a tiger. I have always acted cat-like, and connected deeply with cats. I didn't know what to call myself, because I took this to an integral level. So, although I knew what they really were, I said that my spirit animal was a tiger. I knew that real spirit animals were guides, but I had no idea what to call myself. 

A month later, I was watching some fursuit videos, because yes, I am a furry. I looked at the related videos, and saw a teen wolf video.

*flashback* We had moved into a city apartment, and my neighbor was a 15 year old girl. I was shy, and so was she. She would see me every now and then, but we never talked. Me and my sister made friends with the girls upstairs, who were a year or two younger, and they were so social. They talked to this neighbor and we slowly became friends. Then she invited us over to go on her trampoline. We talked to each other and made connections, such as music and general interests. Then she said it. She asked if we knew what therians were. Obviously, no, I had never heard of them, but she said they are like teen werewolves, but not exactly. She wore a tail that she made, and has many wolf drawings in her room. She is a wolf therian, indeed. I held in the fact that I call myself a tiger, which was exactly as she was doing with a wolf. And that is where I made the connection.

I clicked the teen wolf video, after my crazy flashback, and saw a therian video. And my mind blew. I did so much research on what therians were. And I knew at that moment, that I was one. I awakened. But, I didn't identify as a tiger anymore, I slowly came to identify as a bird. A Gyrfalcon was the first to come to mind. I read Redfeather FalconHawk's writings on her experiences on being a bird of prey, and I knew, that I was just that. 

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