10/17/15 Shifts

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Lately, my strongest shifts are the dragon shifts. Mental shifts when I was alone last night, and a few phantom shifts of scales and claws. I am strongly convinced that I am a dragon, as I have suspected it for a long time, but if it is a past life, I'm not sure if I would be able to go with that. When I picture myself, I usually see this wyvern-like dragon climbing or in a cave. 

My Gyrfalcon shifts come in spurts, one day I get some phantom feathers, the next I get nothing, another I get a mental shift. I have no doubts of being a bird, and I most likely never will. 

My German Shepherd is like my dragon, with some mental and phantom shifts. These shifts are more natural to me, like when I am lying down, and I feel a tail, it is unnoticeable. 

     Man, having three theriotypes is confusing ;-;

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