10/1/15 Common Shifts

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My most shifted into animal is... Well I don't have one. My German Shepherd and Gyrfalcon are both commonplace , my dragon being a bit more subtle but overall there. Some other therians have this, but I have a sort of permanent mold of a dog face over mine. It's just like an ongoing phantom shift that is strong. So other than the face, I get a tail, ears, and occasional paws for my German Shepherd side. As for the bird, I get feathers on my chest and neck, wings which are surprisingly mostly on my back more than my arms, rare beak. My dragon side is without a doubt leathery wings on my arms, horns, and scales on my legs. 

I get phantom shifts and mental shifts strongly, few dream shifts, and few sensory shifts. My shifts are usual strong and always involuntary. They surprise me sometimes, like when my wing gets touched, or my tail is hanging off of my seat. Shifts for me are really helpful to forget my human body.  

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