10/4/15 "Wolfaboos"

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I have a friend that, he is not a friend anymore, loved wolves. He had a necklace with a wolf and acted as if he "owned" wolves. Thinking back, I find it unsettling how humans just have a favorite animal that they still sit back and watch it die due to human civilization. But I'm not here for human ignorance, no, I'm here for all of the wolf therians.

If I was to gather every single wolf therian in existence, we would have a whole new country! Now, I have nothing against all of the unoriginal people, but I do have something against the community. It's one thing that there are too many wolf therians, but there is too much recognition for them. Wouldn't it be nice to have much inspirational picture for falcon therians? Instead of looking up "therian" on google images and having almost only wolf pictures? Is that why so many people are wolves? So they have so much wonderful pictures to represent them? Or so they can wear tails and ears and all of the readily available things for them. Why can't I have bird wings on my back? Because that would cost a fortune. 

Thoughts? I'm guessing I must say this again. I have nothing against the wolf therians, whom I assume are the majority of those who are reading this. 



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