Part 3

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Evan's POV

"What the hell just happened?" I asked and everyone shrugged.

"You're asking us why did you let him just leave? I mean come on Evan we know how you feel about him but we could have at least asked them what was going on with Mini or what the hell happened to him earlier." Tyler replied and I bit my lip nervously.

"What are you talking about I don't feel anything for him, what were they looking at anyway?" I replied and he sighed looking back at the same place.

"It's alright sorry for snapping at you I just- I don't know what they were looking at either." Tyler ran his fingers through his hair and then jumped over the couch before turning on the TV.

"Hey do they live around here?" Marcel asked looking out the window as they walked down the sidewalk.

"No I don't think so why?" Nogla replied and Brock jumped up from the couch.

"Where are you going?" I asked as he opened the door and grabbed his keys.

"To go give them a ride last thing we need is for them to get hurt wondering around the streets they're not safe around here." He replied, I was going to offer to go but I knew Tyler and Marcel wouldn't let me live it down if I did.

"Isn't he being pretty considerate for those freaks." Marcel stated once Brock was gone with the car.

"They're not freaks besides Craig is friends with them." Tyler replied looking at him over the back of the couch.

"I didn't mean it like that sorry; it's just easy to pick up what you've heard." He replied as guilt washed over his face.

"I heard they have a bunch of therapists that they have to see." Nogla added.

"That's what you've heard but people can be rude they did start that one rumor about you and Marcel, I mean we all know you two would never date." I replied and they both made grossed out faces.

"Eww! Sorry Nogla but I'm already dating Simone from the flower shop." We all whipped our heads around to look at Marcel in shock.

"You never told us you actually talked to her!" Tyler shouted and Marcel blushed looking off into space trying to avoid our looks.

"Well I did, I just wanted a reason to go back and see her all the time." He replied and we all groaned.

"Man do you know how many hockey matches I've missed." I complained and everyone laughed.

"Now all we have to do is get you and Delirious together and then Tyler and Mini together." Nogla blurted.

"Nogla!" Both Marcel and I scolded and his eyes widened at his own response.

"Oops." Tyler flinched but didn't move to look or respond to that so we just fell into an awkward silence.

"Guy's look Pluto Nash is on, want to watch it?" Tyler finally asked breaking the awkward atmosphere as we all agreed.

~I'm really sorry that this is rather short but I'm uploading two parts, I've never been good at splitting up stories so I tend to just post each persons POV as a separate chapter and if their short usually I post more than one.

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