FINALLY!! Somewhat...

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((On the picture, that's my human form of them... I'll post all them in my human form later on, but they are still animatronics in this story :3))
Once Chica made it to Pirate's Cove, she knocked on the little sign that was placed there years ago. She gave a slight twitch when Foxy answered back with a rough "What." "Ummm... Foxy it's just me, Chica, and I was wondering-" "Its nothing lass. Just leave me alone", Foxy cutted in rudely. Chica gave a shocked look before it turned into an angry face. She then roughly opened the curtains open, stepped inside, then closed them back. Foxy looked up then growled when Chica came over to him. "Lass, I told ye to-" "What the hell is wrong with you Foxy?!! Just awhile ago, you were so happy then all of a sudden you turn into some asshole who hates life!!", Chica explained angrily. Foxy gave an unamused face before he spoke, "Well, maybe I AM some asshole who hates life. So what? It's no big deal anyways." "No big deal?!! WHAT THE HECK CAUSED YOU TO BE LIKE THIS?!! DOES IT HAVE TO DO SOMETHING WITH BONNIE??? GOLDY??? ME?? FREDDY?!! JUST TELL ME THEN ILL LEAVE YOU ALONE, FOXY!!", Chica yelled. Foxy covered his ears while she was yelling at him. "Stupid lass. The only person, or should I say robot, bothering me right now is ye!! So if ye'll be such a good little girl, leave me be", Foxy replied back with hatred sounding in his voice while he did so. Chica gave a shocked and pained look when he said it, but she being a tough girl that she is, didn't let that pass. She slowly calmed herself as to not cause her any headaches later on. Once she was calm, she looked straight into Foxy's one eye, "Listen Foxy. I came here to find out why your acting like you are. You were never like this, only time I saw you this upset was way back when we were killed, and God knows how long that took for you to get it over with. I never liked that side of you and I don't want to see it again, not ever to be in fact. So either tell me what's wrong or I'm staying here until you tell me so", she finished. Foxy looked at her with a mad look on his face before he looked down at the old floorboard. Everything seemed to be going slow while Chica was in there, waiting for an answer. After about 2 minutes, Foxy finally spoke up. "If ye want to know, I'll tell ye, but I won't tell the reason behide it, alright?" Chica crossed her arms, nodded, then said, "Go ahead then, Foxy." Foxy took a breath in before he began.
"The reason behide me anger is because of the news. When they said they were together, I couldn't help but feel jealous for them. So that's why I'm acting like this is because of them. That's me reason. Bye.", he finished. "But wait, why them? What got you to be so angry at them for? Are you jealous that they found love for each other but not you?", Chica questioned him, hoping to get more answers, to which it sounds highly impossible. "I said that I'm not going to tell ye the reason behide it. Ye got yer answer that ye want from me. Now go before I carry yer little chicken ass out me cove and FINALLY leave me be.", he answered hatefully, before he turned his back on her. Chica made an upset face, but not wanting to fight to get the answers from him any longer, she turned, opened the curtains back up, and left without closing them back.
(( I think this is the longest chapter I've ever done lol. Btw, sorry for the table getting in the way XD))

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