Guess Who's Back?

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After nearly 3 weeks, the gang decided to check on Foxy and see how he's doing. Bonnie suggested that they don't check yet since he thinks he might still be angry, but, of course, the whole gang decided that today will be the good day to see how the fox is doing. He was still nervous about it when they walked to the cove and got even more nervous once they DID reach the cove, at least 1 inch away. "Are you really sure we should check on him now, Chica? I'm still a bit worried...", Bonnie asked for the 10th time. Chica rolled her eyes in annoyance before speaking, "Bonnie, it's gunna be alright! We've all known Foxy all our lives, why would you be afraid of him now?" "Because! What WOULD happen if he isn't even ready?? 3 weeks already flew past and he STILL hasn't left his cove. The only time he does is to get the guard and that's about it! Besides! What would we say if we're in there? What will we talk about?? What if he's still angry or mad or whatever about this whole 'Jealous' thing?? Huh??", Bonnie questioned, a serious look upon his face. ".... Ok, first of all, you're overreacting about this whole situation, alright? Just breath in and let it out slowly. Second, we're just gunna talk to him! See how's he been and stuff. I mean, we've been avoiding him to give him some space the least we could do is see how he is doing, ok?   Third, I don't think he's gunna be angry OR jealous OR mad if we go in there. Some people just gotta let things go, alright?", Chica finished. Before Bonnie could respond, Foxy opened the curtains so suddenly it made both him and Chica to jump slightly due to the fact he opened them so quickly. Before they knew it, there stood the pirate, his eyes narrowing on Chica and Bonnie, before he trained his eyes on Goldy, who was just chilling with Freddy beside him as well. Foxy growled at both of them before he began his speech.
"Let me just say, that I am NOT some person ye all can avoid. I know me have been some jackass hiding in his cove like a chicken, no offense Chica, and not even listen to the things I hear almost EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. 'Hey! When's that damn old pirate coming out of his hiding place? Did they shut him down or something?' Or 'Hey! It'll be such a damn great idea to avoid this sucker for 3 weeks! That once they do, the stupid fox will forget about the whole thing and we can go back to living happily and shit!' WRONG. Ye seriously THINK that doing that will make me forget? What kind of idiot thinks of that?!! Who will forget about that major thing that changed their lives forever? Huh?? Especially you, Chica! Why would ye think that forgetting I exist be such a great idea?? Huh?! I can't believe this. I just CAN'T believe this. I thought ye all would be me friends but I guess I was dumb enough to trust ye. The only person I trust now is Freddy and me own ghost. Don't even think about asking me why they are the only people or robots or whatever that I trust. It's me own opinion. And lastly, seriously Chica? 'Some people just gotta let things go? Haha. How idiotic. I can't even think of ANYTHING to answer that ridiculous statement. Hehe. It's quiet funny if ye ask me. Hahahahahahaha. heheheheheh. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Wooo!! Ye put me in tears lad. It makes me want to hear some more 'great' ideas from ye in the near future. Welp! Anyways, I'm done with all of ye and I bid ye farewell. Come check on me in a few months . Or years? Who knows? Hahahahahahaha!!!!", Foxy finished before closing his curtains shut, his laughter still hearable.
((Lol this sucks))

.3. BackStory :3Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora