Chapter 3: Yellow eyes

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A/N Sorry that it took a little bit long, but when I wrote it, whole part dissapeared. I hope you'll enjoy it

"Hello Sweetie" said River with yellow eyes. It sounded like River, it looked like River, voice was River's, but both Doctors knew that this wasn't River.

"Where is River?" 11 asked.
"I am River"
"No, you are NOT my River Song"
"yes, I am" 11 was about to start trust this thing, that it is River Song, but then her eyes went brown for a little moment and in that one moment, was time for just one word: "Doctor!"
Eyes went yellow again.
"She's pretty strong"
"Why did she say my name? Why not yours?" said confused 10.
11 said for himself: "My wife is in danger. There is no time for lies" and took out of his pocket sonic screwdriver
"You mean... You are... That I am.... What?! And she... River Song.... How could you married her after all, after that what you have seen... What you, what I, what she done..."

11 sadly looked at him: "I'm just trying to make time for her as good as I can, till that, I don't know if she can hear us. I want her to be safe, when I'm thinking about it now, I'm not good in it"
10 looked at him, like he is OK with that, like he saw that even he can be good and sweet and nice to people who love him, who care about him, who die for him, to people who he loves...


River's POV
I don't know where I am...
It's dark and cold here....
I wanna cry....
I can hear Doctors from outside, but I can't see them...

I'm trapped in my own body, in my own mind....
I can't control it.....

I'm trying to fight it but I'm not strong enough....

Once I made it, but just for second....

The moment is gone again...

I'm here alone....

I can hear myself talking to Doctors, but It's not me.....

I'm trying to scream, but I can't, nobody can hear me.....

I'm terrified.....

I don't know what to do....


"Tell me who are you and where is my wife?!" yelled 11 at River.
"She is fine"
"Why did you stolen her body?! For what do you need it?!" 11 was really angry.
"Keep calm Doctor, your wife is OK. I just need some body, where to live. Without it I would die... And maybe I shouldn't say that..."
"I'll go and look around, your wife need you, maybe I'll find something how to help her, somewhere else..." said 10 and left the room.

"So, how can I get you out of her body? You are probably not going to say me, how to kill you. So the question is: Can you see her memory?"
"Yes, I can. I have got her memory"
"Then you know, who I am, look who is terrified from me. Who ran away from me because they are scared of me!"
"I see it, but you can't do nothing with me. You can kill me but your wife will die too and you love her Doctor, don't you? Cause she loves you so much... Ooh, this is sweet, she almost died for you, so many times... and you didn't even said to her, that you love her... She doesn't even know... That's so sad. You're such a bad man, Doctor... Oh, Doctor, Doctor, Doctor...."

River started walking around 11, looking in River's memory and watching 11 almost crying.
"River, your Doctor won't help, he even can't help you. This is sad, you two can't see each other no more... You know what? I don't care..." River was interrupted by scream, by 10th's scream and then she said: "-it looks like my husband join us"

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