Chapter 5: Freeze!

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Doctor glances, if they stopped or if River and 10, he, younger he, are still doing it... Now they were just snogging with clothes on. 11 turn around and come to them.
"Please don't do this again..." 11 said and they stopped snogging, looked at him and laugh.
"Doctor! Help!" scream River on pain, while here eyes went brown than yellow again.
"River... Stop it! You are hurting her..."
"Yes, I do... You realized bit late"
"Look me up! I am the Doctor, Oncoming storm and I won't let some stupid allien tearing my wife! And me of course..." said eleven and called TARDIS to him.
"And how will you stop me, Oncoming storm?"
"Like this!" 11 stole River's gun and take her to arms.
"Sorry 10... I'll be right back for you... But I love River more than my life..."

Doctor pull River inside TARDIS.
River was trying to escape from 11, screaming for her husband but he didn't come, because when 10 saw how 11 take care of River, how big is his love, how much she means for him, he get bigger power and for few minutes, he took over his own body and give 11 more time to go with River. That few minutes were enough to 11 take River to really cold room in TARDIS.
"River... Be alright... I'll lock you here... I just bring 10 here..." 11 walk out of room, lock River inside and run outside TARDIS.

He didn't have to because 10 already came to TARDIS, trying to save his wife... Now it was yellow-eyed-10...
"Let me be! You can't do nothing against me, if you kill me, you will die too!"
11 quickly handcuff 10 and pull him to room with River.

11 locked, turn around and look at River, he didn't care about 10, trying to warm up, he slowly come to her, to River, lying on ground, without breath, covered with blood.

"River... Come on... You have to be alive..." He kneed to her and watch her injuries. Her chest was covered by blood just as one half of her face, eyes were closed, she didn't breath.
Doctor didn't know what to do, what happend...
"Why did I leave you..." tears in his eyes. He took a tissue from his pocket and dry blood on face.
Take down her shirt to look what is wrong with her chest. Big wound across whole chest from where is blood getting out... "River... I don't want to loose you..." said 11 crying...

A/N: How do you like this one?
I can let it end here with die River or I can publish one last chapter, where she has got chance to survive... Write here in coments if I should let her die or not...

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