Dux Part 2

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Me and Zero continue to walk towards San Diego, and I slow down once we hit Crown Point Drive. We walk past the ruble of our old house, and Zero bolts.

"ZERO!! COME BACK!!" I yell at him. I run after him, and see him turn the corner.

When I get to him, he is growling at a man who is backing up slowly. I recognize him from the pictures on the net.

"Dux." I say.

"Hello. Mind calling your dog off ?" He asks me. "I mean, call off your mutt."

"Never." I say it almost as if I am Zero, between my teeth, and growling myself.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Dux says.

I am surprised. "Oh really, whatcha gonna do? Call your guards on my then hide in your palace? I know who you are, Dux. You don't scare me. I've seen worse than you, slime ball." I say to him.

"Zero, attack."


Before I start, I love pittbulls. They are judged as evil dogs, but they are only doing what the previous owners have taught them. The only this they know how to do. Just saying that...

Sorry its a short chapter, MORE TO COME!!!

Laters- _That_Black_Belt_

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