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Chase P.O.V.
What they did next, inhumane.

They put Custos in cell 317, just a few cells away from me in 319, and Max in 320. I don't even know how to describe what Max looked like. Take that one thing you fail horribly at, and multiply it by about two million.

And that, was just his face. He sat there, and stared at the ground. Didn't even struggle when the guards took him somewhere else.

The prisoner next to me taps the bar just after the guards haul Max away.

"Hey." He says tapping on the bars. "PSST"

I still don't look at him.

"Kid!" I hear him whisper. I give up. I look at him, a crazed old man, about fifty, eyes, wild with excitement, tangled brown hair, and a slight stubble.

"Name's Robert." He says. "I'd shake your hand, but, I'm a little tied up at the moment." He nods to his wrists, tied up with rope.

"Chase." I say to him.

We sit there in silence before Robert speaks again. "So, what did you do to be thrown in here?"

Just before I answer, the guards come for me.

"Get up." One commands. I oblige.

They escort me down several long hallways, past several doors. We pass a certan one, and I hear screams.

Max. I think to myself. I stop in my tracks, trying to hear in on what he's saying.

"Let's go." The second one grunts. They shove me forward. I hear one last scream from who I think is Max.

We arrive, several hallways later, at a door marked with a lone 7 in the middle. They open the door, to show Luke standing there, beside a single white, table, equiped with two straps, one at the top.

"Welcome." He says with a sneer. "Welcome to hell."

Gosh. It's been almost a whole month since I last updated something, anything. Sorry 'bout that. Anyway; I hope you enjoyed this part, and I promise to work my butt off on the next part! *walks off to start new part*

*comes back*
Forgot something!
*walks away again*

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