The Interview

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Chase P.O.V.

I walk into my dad's office, and see him on his laptop, his Holopad in front of his face. 

"Hey." I say quietly.

"Hey. What's up?" He asks.

"I'm going to do the interview." I tell him.

"That's great!" He exclaims. "I'll email the crew and let them know you're fine with it." 

*le time skip*

The crew had me all set up. I was going to answer a few questions as best as I could, and they would be broadcasting my answers on the news station. At the very end, they would have the people of our organization ask questions through social media. The reporter's name was Nancy. 

"Just try and answer my questions thoroughly." Nancy says. I nod. "You ready?" She asks. I nod again. "Good."

"Rolling in three, two, one. Action!" The camera man says. He direct the camera toward Nancy who starts.

"My name is Nancy Collins and welcome to Thirty Minutes. Today I'm with our new leader, Chase Miller. Chase how are you today?"

"Good. Yourself Nancy?" I ask, being polite.

"I'm doing well. Now Chase, some people are saying you aren't qualified to be the head of our organization because you have only been training with Max for less than a month. What are your thoughts about that?" 

Do people really think that?  I know I haven't known Max long, but I feel ready. I take a breath and respond.

"I believe I'm ready. I helped capture our enemy, and went through the training program like every other kid that grew up here." I answer. 

"Okay. What exactly are your plans for our future? What improvements will you bring about?" She asks.

"I'm going to bring about new improvements in our energy, such as solar panels, wind turbines, and other clean renewable sources to power us. As for our future, I plan to take down any threats in the government. Who knows who Dux appointed next."

Nancy nods. "Do you have any other things you'd like to say before we open up to questions from our viewers?" I shake my head no. "Okay, let's see what you have to say about Chase Miller taking the reigns of this organization! Use the hashtag newsforchase- and we have our first question!" She exclaims. "And Hippo747 asks; Chase, what are your greatest strengths? #newsforchase"

"Well, Hippo, it's different for everyone, you might prefer your humor, or your strength, but I prefer my mind. I might not be as smart as Einstein, but I consider myself to be some-what smart." 

I nod to Nancy to indicate for the next question. 

"Next question; Harley_Quinn492 asks; Should we expect changes in the education field? #newsforchase"

 I give the camera a quick smile. "I don't plan on changing anything in education unless people come to me with complaints." I say. The camera pans on Nancy. 

*Another time skip, brought to you by an author who is out of questions*

The camera man finally calls 'Cut!', and I get out of the chair I'd been sitting in, and stretch. Nancy offers me her hand, and I accept it and shake. 

"Pleasure meeting you Mr. Miller." She says.

"Same here Ms. Collins." I tell her, straightening my tie. "I look forward to more press conferences in our future." I give her a flashy smile, and head home. 

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