There's No 'Fun' In Funeral

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Chase P.O.V. 

"We've all gathered here today to celebrate the life of our beloved leader, Maxwell Smith. He was a great chief-in-command, inspiring every single one of us that we could do better, and he was completely involved in our community." The pastor starts. "Max was the man behind the mission. He helped in so many ways. The biggest way being the fact that he died bringing down our enemy, Dux." 

Everyone is here. Alex and Hal are standing beside Dad, who is close to tears at the loss of his brother. Adam has his arm around Katie, and Gabby is leaning on Sam. Arnold stands silently next to Custos, and the rest of my squad is behind them. Every single member of our nation, (you could call it that.) is here. However, I stand alone. At least, that's what everyone sees. In my vision, Max stands off to my left. I don't even know what he is any more. He's been around me ever since I got back from our mission, but nobody can see him. The rain gently pours off the umbrella in my hand, and onto the ground.

"However, there is a light to guide us now that Max has moved on. A hand for us to hold. And he is here among us. Chase Miller; please step forward." Everyone turns to face me in the back of the crowd. I  glance at Max's apparition. He nods. I take a deep breath, and slowly, walk all the way to the stage where Max's ashes are. I climb the stairs, and stand next to the pastor.

"Here is our new commander!" He places his hand on my back. The crowd in front of me roars. It's kinda a good thing we chose an out of the way spot of this. The world could have tracked us down if they heard our cheers. But then, they all fell quiet, and I got off the stage and headed back to my spot in the corner of our group.

People came up to the stage, one by one, and spoke very highly of Max; whether he had saved them from Luke like the family of five Max had saved two years ago, or they were just recalling past stories like the five year old who went up on stage all by himself to tell us how one time Max had helped him make it to his small apartment after he lost his way. 

"I remember him." Max chuckled warmly. "He was close to tears, and didn't know his right from left, so I decided to help him. His mother couldn't stop thanking me." I turn to look at Max. This is the first time he'd spoken during this.

We all disperse, and in groups of four or five head back to the entrances ten minutes after the group before us leaves. I arrive at our apartment first, and head directly to my room, closing and locking my door. Max sits in Hal's chair.

"What are you?! And don't say a figment of my imagination or that I'm hallucinating because I know I'm not!" I say to him.

Max nods. "I thought this would come up sooner or later. The answer to that is very long and complicated. It would take a while to explain." 

"Go ahead. I have all day." I say, waving my hand through the air. 

Max smiles. "No you don't. Any second, Ja-"

There's a knock on the door. Max gives me a smug smile and an 'I told you so' look.

 I flip him off.

"Who is it?" I call out. 

"You know who." My dad says.

"Tom Riddle?" I say sarcastically. "Voldemort? Is that you?"

My dad laughs behind the door. "Any way, can I come in? I need to talk to you, Chase." 

I scan the room for Max. He's disappeared.

"Yeah. Come on in." 

"It's locked." 

I unlock the door, and sit in the chair Max's apparition was sitting in moments ago. 

"So, we're really going through with this. Me becoming commander and all." My dad nods. "What did you want to talk to me about?" I asked.

"The press" (We have a small news crew down here.)" want an interview with you. They thought it was a good idea if the organization got to know the 'Chase miller' that Max saw." He says. "you don't have to do it if you don't want to."

I sigh. "Tell them I'll consider it." I want Max's opinion on it before I decide. I don't see any harm in it, but you never know. I didn't see any harm in max's mission, but look where that led.

My dad leaves, and I head to bed. I didn't talk to anyone after me and my dad's conversation, so I feel a little antisocial, but that will fix itself tomorrow.


Well, this story's coming to an end. (It isn't over yet, but one or two chapters from being over) I hope you guys are enjoying it, and if you dare, check out the very first chapters, and look now. I feel like my style of writing has gotten better, even if it was only improved a small amount. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed it, and I'll see you in the next chapter! 



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