Chapter 2, Meeting the glitch

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-(Y/n)'s P.O.V-  (Intro to let you know whats going on.)

It's been three years since that day and as I suspected my life only got worse. Mom doesn't talk to me anymore. All she does is work. It's not that she doesn't love me! It's just she works a lot! The kids at school.... I don't even like talking about them. Victoria got every one in the school to hate me. Even some of the teachers! I'm picked on constantly. Always told that I'm ugly, fat, shouldn't be allowed to live... It hurts it really does. I hate to admit it but I'll sit in my room and just cut... I'll grab my razor from my bathroom and just scrap. My arms is covered with scares and dried blood. I wear sweaters and thick bracelets to cover it all. The only one who knows I do this is my best friend Jewel. After Jeffrey left I would go to the park and sit on the swings and cry. Jewel found me one day. After that we became best friends! She's the only one who can make me feel.... Happy. We hang out 24/7! My mom is always on business trips so she spend the night a lot! We like to talk about the usual thing like boys, clothes, makeup! Yea teenagers! She's the same age as me! We were born on the same day and time... Weird right? The only difference we have is that she doesn't have health problems like me. Both the best thing we have in common is that we LOVE to play video games! That's what we do when she comes over! Mario cart, SSB, Hyrule warriors, Mario party, Skyward sword, Twilight princess! Any thing you can think of! We love it all... Except Mega man... We hate that game... But our favourite is Majora's mask! We love both the N64 and 3DSXL. We love hearing Links Kawaii little Yelp when he slashes his sword! I can't tell you how many time Me and Jewel fangirl over him.

But as great as that sounds, it's not that great. I'm still very lonely and want to suicide. But I just can't go through with it. It would kill Jewel! My mom would flip and I don't want that. So I sit in my room with lights off. I sit in the corner of my room and bleed. If you look closely you can see blood stains on my bedroom floor. Am I proud of it? No. But I don't want this life anymore! I can't take it! When Jeffrey left he took my hope with him! Not a day goes by that I don't think about him. But he's gone. He told me to let him go... But I can't.

_______ (okay! Let's get this started! *rubs hands together*)




I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I groan and roll over. I open my eyes enough to turn off my clock. I bury my face in my pillow and sigh.

"Well another day..."

I sit up and stretch letting my bones pop into place. I hope off my bed and tiredly walk over to my closet. I open my closet and put my hand on my chin.

"What to wear?..."

After taking forever to pick, I finally find something nice. It was a my (F/C) sweater that had a cute little pikachu on the  front. My dark blue jeans and my (F/C) converse. I waddle into the bathroom and get ready. After doing that I walk out of the bathroom. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. There was toast on the table. I look around and pick up a piece. I guess mom made some before she left. I quickly stuff my face and run back upstairs to play video games before I left for school. I turn on my N64 and Majora's mask started up. I smile and pinch the bridge of my nose. I press start and proceed to play. After awhile of playing I hear the bus horn. I quickly grab my backpack and head out the door. Completely forgetting to shut off my game. I run to the bus and climb on. I sit in the very back and put my hoodie over my head. But today starts off super bad! Victoria walks up to me and grins.

"Hey (Y/n)~"

I ignored her and kept looking out the window. She grabs a lock of my hair and yanks.

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