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Ciao, Ciao

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It was already stupid to make adultery promises when you were just a child. I mean, you make promises you can't keep and the one who you promised to becomes clingy on your innocent vow.

But who am I kidding? I made a stupid promise to my two childhood friends that I would marry them both. Seriously, how can a girl marry two men at the same time? After years passed, I realized my damned mistake on my twelfth birthday. Curse my densely innocence.

Now, I'm eighteen and I'm being taken to the main house of Yoku gumi, a Japanese mafia family that controls the entire black world. I'm going because my father said so.

If you're ever wondering why is a normal looking (and not to mention very useless) young lady like me got involved in a dangerous life of mafias; honestly, I don't know either. I blame my parents.

My father is Kojima Nypua, the fifth boss of the Nypua gumi, second strongest mafia family known in the black world. My mother is Hasegawa Nypua, one and only wife of my dad. If it wasn't for them, I would never by here. Hooray. (Note the sarcasm)

I was forced to abandon class to go to this mafia-centric meeting and other butt-load of crap. Whatever, if this gives me a chance to skip school, I'll be more than glad to cooperate.

"We're here, princess." The driver said.

"Oh joy." I said, sarcasm escaped my crescent-fallen lips. I got to the seemingly large mansion, with the guards escorting me to the modern meeting room. The mansion didn't change a bit; the paintings were still here, some old statues and shiny vases. The only changes were probably the new recruits. New maids and butlers running around carrying random items to some of the old rooms. Some new guards surrounding around the area to make sure no civillian will bother them or rival mafia families attack.

Bah, I hate this place.

No, this place doesn't reek of smell nor did dust fly all over the place. For your information, this place is always being cleansed everyday, 24/7. The servants here doesn't seem to hate doing their job, since the payment is always high. I hate this place because this is where I made that stupid kiddie promise. It reeks the smell of smoke too, since mostly the visiting bosses (even my own father) smokes a lot.

The guards bowed down before they opened the door for me. I nodded as thanks before I entered the meeting room. As I entered, the room was already filled with other mob bosses. I think I'm a bit informal since I'm just wearing my school's girls' uniform. But I'm wearing it neatly and I have a necktie on. Is that considered formal?

"Princess, welcome back." The leader of Saru yakuza, Renyo, greeted me. "I trust you had a safe ride?" He asked.

"Yes, I did Renyo-san." I replied in polite Japanese.

"Shodaime has arrived!" A servant announced, making all family heads, and me, to turn our heads to the meeting room's door.

Voi la, there's a young man with long blond and black hair tied in a low pony tail style, sharp hazelnut eyes and lightly tanned skin. He was wearing a nice pin-stripped suit that stood out from everyone else and his serious face just screamed that he means business. Oh God, am I falling in love?

"Welcome back, Shodaime." Everyone chimed, bowing their heads with respect. I didn't join in because I was stuck in my little train of thoughts.

For some reasons, he kinda looks familiar. Someone I remembered who is small, puny, a peasant, has low self-confidence and etcetera. You name it.

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