Chapter 4

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Ciao, Ciao

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I slowly opened my eyes as I felt the banging headache once again. I groaned in pain as I sat up, rubbing my sore neck while I'm at it.

It looks like I'm in a storage room; a small window with the moon as the only light, old brown boxes scattered everywhere and it reeks the smell of smoke. It wasn't a cramped space either. I looked around as I rested my hand on something. I looked down and it look like a container. I picked it up and read the things written on it.

Oddly enough, it was the same pills I take when I'm having a headache. I furrowed my brows as I opened the familiar container, earning a small 'pop!'. I took one out and placed it on my tongue then swallowing it whole, waiting for the effect to take place.

After a minute, the headache was gone. I placed the pill container down before I stood up, scanning the room one more time before I noticed a door on the other end. I walked over to it, finding it lock from the outside. "Great." I muttered, walking back inside the room before I tripped on something. "Ow..." I whined as I looked at what I tripped on. It was a box. "Of course."

I kicked it out of my way before it rolled over, spilling its' contents. I gaped when I found it holding different types of knives and axe. I picked up a mini axe before examining it. The blade was polished and sharpened, as if it was a newly bought item. I stood up once again before swinging it wildly in the air. It's also usable, so I might as well use it to get out of wherever I am.

I swung the axe to the door several times, making a small whole the fitted my arm quite nicely. I poked my arm out then turned the knob from outside. I stepped out of the room, removing my limb from the door. "Alright, time to get out of here." I muttered walking to a random hallway, finding it hard to see due to the darkness.

It's almost like I'm in a horror game or movie, but there's no creepy music to scare the shit out of me, only the faint sound of the wind and my weary foot steps was only heard.

As I reached some giant double doors that had a faint light, I breathed a sigh of relief. This might be my way out of this place. Or it can be a room full of adults having a party. Anything can happen since I'm kidnapped and I'm held hostage in a rich mansion. I slowly opened the door knob, finding the room dark and a bit too spacious.

I walked into the room, the moon shone brightly to the three giant windows and there was a desk at the middle of the room. There was some few decorations and book shelves around, almost like a study room.

I was about to go to the windows to escape, but the lights were turned on, making me flinch from the sudden brightness.

"Oh, you're here." Someone said in a child's voice.

"Who's there?" I asked, turning around, preparing my axe if someone attacks me.

"Over here, dumb ass."

I looked over to the desk, finding a child seated on the expensive throne-like chair. "It's good that you're awake, I was starting to get bored and everything." He said as he rested his legs against the oak desk, eyeing me with bored eyes.

"You!" I paused. This kid has messy black hair, rich blue eyes and pale skin. He wore like one of those rich Victorian style clothing for boys'. All in all, he looks like he's not from this era. "... Who are you?" I asked.

The boy scoffed before bringing his legs down then jumping to stand on the desk. "Well, aren't you rude to forget your own family." He said.

I processed the words in my mind, then something click in me. "Oh. You were family? Which side? Mom or Dad's?" I asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2013 ⏰

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