Chapter 1

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Ciao, Ciao

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I woke up as a start, then a throbbing headache followed after. I groaned as I reach out for some pills, chucking one out of the container then lazily shoving it to my throat. After a few minutes, the headache was gone, like it always does. I stood up before eyeing my room.

Ever since that mafia meeting, I have been getting the feeling that somebody is watching me. I have a good bet. It's either Yoru or Ricardo.

As I thought about it, I don't think Yoru will find time to stalk me, since he's Yoku shodaime, he is mostly busy in his own office signing endless piles of paperwork. Or so that's what a mafia boss should do, right?

Then there's Ricardo. Well, he is a hit man, so he finds stalking easy without being detected. But I doubt he would be stalking me since he seems busy with missions, busy training some hit men rookies or busy with his own stacked paper work. That reminds me, I think I have my own stacks of paperwork.

It's called homework.

I sighed a bit before I dragged myself to the bathroom, discarding all my clothing without a care. After that I got into the tub and then started to take a cold soothing bath.

I live alone in my own house. Ever since middle school, I've been living on my own, I managed to ask my parents to let me live on my own. At first, they weren't so convinced since I can't do much in house hold chores. Like laundry, ironing, cooking and God, even cleaning is hard. I never bothered to ask them to get me someone to take care of me, I never wanted that. I want to prove my parents that I can do things on my own. Even if I can't really do it.

I sank myself deeper into the water, letting some of the cold liquid escape the tub. Okay, Haruko, right now you're a student. A normal high school student. So act like one.

Easier said than done.

I laughed bitterly as I continued cleansing myself before I left the tub, grabbing a towel to wrap my small petite form.

After dressing to my school's daily uniform, I got the white eye patch from the night stand then tied it against my right eye. I brushed my hair softly before I fixed my long bangs, letting it cover the right side of my face. I looked myself at the mirror, eyeing on how weak looking my body is.

My black hair almost reached my waist, almost like my mother's, but I had some decency to cut it once in a while. Sharp dark brown eyes pierced through the mirror as it mimicked my movements. My pale skin looks a bit unhealthy, not much a trace of red cell in sight. I think the only time my face turn red was when I exerted my body too much in sports or it's when I blushed madly at Ricardo and Yoru's antics.

Cue blush. I groaned before I grabbed my bag. "You're a normal girl, you're a normal girl, you're a normal girl." I chanted like a mantra as I walked to the kitchen, grabbing some bread then spreading some butter on it. I hummed some soft Japanese tunes as I got the bread in the toaster.

I continued humming as I waited for my toast. After a few minutes, the toaster got out my food as I snatched one, munching on it fast and then grabbing the other one. I glanced at the clock and I saw the time. Seven twelve. Huh...

Silence loomed over as the only noise was my breathing and the sound of my teeth munching on my toast. After a while I stood up immediately. "I'm late!" I shouted as I made a run to the front door, nearly tumbling over the couch. I grabbed the socks left in the coffee table then wore my school shoes. I grabbed my bag then went outside, making sure to lock the door before running to the place where Hell is originally made, Polican Southern University.

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