September 28th 2015

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This summer was interesting. I got my cousin to get a trailer at my park, we went on hikes, random walks to random places and made a great summer.

On August 2nd I believe, our cousins came over to visit. I was never really a family person. (I never talk to my grandmother or any of my aunts, it bothers me sometimes and I thought everyone was like that. They don't want to talk to you or see you. They just ignore you.) So I ignored everyone and felt uncomfortable around them. But later that evening we all sat around the fire and I got to know my cousins, I was nervous of being there but I stayed.

The next day I was over again, we all talked, swam, cooked and enjoyed the day. That night my little cousin wanted me to sleep with him, so i did till he fell asleep, then I got up and went outside with his mom and my aunt, his mom (my cousin) got to know me better and I got to know her better as well.

August 4th;
My cousin asked me and my other cousin if we wanted to go to Niagara Falls, we took up the offer. When we were driving there we played music, took photos and enjoyed every minute of it. When we got there we unpacked the car and got to our room. About 7 hours later my older cousin is asleep as well as my little cousin. So it was just me and my other two cousins. They felt like getting food so I went with them, we walked to a bar and orders pizza. While it was in the making I found $80 on the floor under a chair, I was about to put it in my pocket but my cousin tells me it might be someone's pay, so I gave it to the lady, my cousin took the pizza and we were off. We got to the hotel, ate the pizza then crashed.

The next day we hit the road and went back home.

The following Monday me and my cousin went to Canada's Wonderland, we went on a few rides then hit up the water park for the rest of the day.

About a month ago I recently helped my cousins move, we had fun doing it and putting stuff together while watching all the little ones running around.

About 3 weeks ago, the fam had a beach day, not everyone was there but it was still fun with the few that came ☺️

After that I had a lot of sleepovers then summer was over

I haven't updated in a while 😐 sorry

I hope all of you wonderful people had a fantastic summer 😄

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