January 12th, 2016

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***last paragraph is a special one***

Holyyy long time I haven't wrote anything... Well a lot has happened. In my last chapter I mentioned that I met a few new cousins. Well me and my cousin Steph have really grown together. Even tho we've literally only known each other for 6 months... Since my last update, I didn't really do anything but hang out with my cousin and a few other people.

So Christmas has passed! What did you guys get?

And we're in a new year! I hope you guys had a great 2015 and I hope you guys are looking forward to what 2016 has to bring!

So im 16 now.. Officially on January 7th 😄 I had a good birthday spend with my family from BC and enjoyed every minute.

So last week, my grandmother went to the hospital. She has dementia and was found at her residence unconscious. I've been with her everyday since she arrived at the hospital and spend my birthday by her side. She's doing well and hopefully getting better.

Last week has been interesting. School resumed from the holidays, my birthday week, and got into a little argument with a few people. But that's okay.

So this year I want to motivate people. I want to help people stay on their feet and not get knocked down. I want everyone to know that their special to someone, and someone loves them. No matter what happens, try to stay strong and keep your head up. Know that you are better then the people who knock you down and realize that you can do anything you put your mind and effort to. Look for something positive in each day, even if you have to look a little harder some other days. I don't know what your going through, even if your not going through anything, know that your beautiful and no one can change that.

Thanks for reading.

- Destiny x

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