Chapter 3: Lauren, Portal Master of Water

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Lauren was a calm, cool headed, mellow girl. She loved being on the water, whether sailing, kayaking, or surfing. She was a very adept surfer, being very tall and thin. She had lived in Florida since she was 15, two years ago. Her time was mostly consumed by surfing, though she spent most of her time in the sun, she was very pale.

She was surfing when it happened. Her blond hair plastered to her face, she squinted at the distant beach. It was nearing noon as she headed towards land. But while she squinted at the beach, movement in the sky caught her eye. Five blue-glowing objects were streaking towards her, flying through the air. She ducked as the objects sped over her head and landed in the the water with a splash and sizzling. She turned to see the meteorites floating, four strange creatures and a sea blue crystal. She jumped off of her board and swam over to the crystal. As soon as her hand touched it, her mind filled with information about Skylands. She gasped and looked around at the heroes before her. The Gillman wielding a harpoon-Gill Grunt, the Water Dragon-Zap, the four armed Yeti-Slam Bam, and the two legged crab with a golden mace-Wham-Shell.

Gill Grunt spoke in Lauren's mind.

"Portal Master, there's an evil Water Mage on his way here, and I think it might be helpful for you to release us." he said.

"Right, right," she said, "but how?"

Eon appeared before her, floating over the water.

"Use your Crystal," he said, "and hurry! You are in grave danger!" Lauren's mind sank into the Crystal, and she gasped at the view of the world, tinted with a dark sapphire. She spread the Crystal's energy towards the Skylanders, and destroyed the shields trapping them. They then grew to full size.

Lauren heard a huge SPLASH from behind her, and even before she could turn, a large wave broke over her head and she was forced under the water. Her mouth opened in surprise, and water rushed in. She didn't drown though. When she tried to inhale, she found that the water rushed to her lungs, then left, leaving oxygen. Eon spoke in her mind once more.

"Do not release your Crystal! You shall drown if you do!" he warned. She wondered at how she could keep her Crystal and fight at the same time. An idea crept into her mind. She placed her Crystal just below her throat, and froze the water around it, so it formed a crude, yet solid necklace. She then rose to the surface.

The battle had already begun. The Mage had summoned a fleet of ships filled with Cyclops Gazermages, which were firing on the Skylanders. Gill Grunt was using his jetpack and harpoons to spear the Cyclops, Slam Bam had formed an icy sleigh, and was ramming the ships, with Wham-Shell close behind him, and Zap was, well... zapping the Cyclops. The Mage watched as Slam Bam wrecked another of his ships, then he joined the fight.

The Mage threw a fist made of water at Slam Bam, who went flying. He sent a wave to intercept one of Zap's lightning bolts, and then threw the lightning-charged waves at him, causing Zap to faint from the electricity. Gill Grunt and Wham-Shell charged him, but were taken down with watery spears. Lauren looked around at her wounded warriors. Slam Bam floated, but was crumpled into a ball. Gill and Wham-Shell were bleeding from the wounds in their chests.

Lauren snapped.

With a scream of rage, she launched herself at the Mage, using fierce currents to speed her up. She sprung out of the water and landed on the ship the Mage stood on. The Cyclops onboard took aim on her, but icy spears impaled their eyes. She glared at the Mage. He laughed, staring at her. She realized she stood in only her bikini, which increased her rage. Hurico... A voice whispered. She screamed it as she charged the Mage. Her body encased itself in icy blue armor, and a frozen trident appeared in her hand. The Mage laughed, and threw Lauren with ball of water. She went flying, but directed the waves so she landed on her surf board. She surfed around the Mage's ship, dodging balls of water and throwing hammers of ice at the hull. The Mage jumped as the hull crumbled, and Lauren sped after him, threw her board at him through the air, and the tip caught the Mage it the throat. He dissolved. As she looked around, she noticed that, in her rage, She had created a huge Portal made of ice. She stepped onto it, brought her Skylanders onto with waves, then teleported herself to Skylands.

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