Chapter 10: Kelly, Portal Master of Light

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Kelly was a film photographer. She could always be found in bright places, taking photos of anything that sparked her interest. She had a bright, bubbly personality that matched her pure white hair. She loved sunshine, and was a huge believer in democracy and justice. But she had a secret. She wasn't human. She was an Angel, with the power of Light. Back when the Darkness first struck and was defeated, the order of Portal Masters decided that two of their order would travel to Earth, in case the Doorways were to once again open. She had immediately volunteered, along with another.

"There will be a cost, young Kelly," warned a wise Portal Master named Eon, "you will still have an incredibly long lifespan, but, as we close the Doorways, your angelic form, and much of your power of Light will be diminished. If you do partake upon this quest, you will become an average human." The news sat like a stone in the young Angel's stomach, but she accepted nonetheless. So, as she was transported to Earth to await the day that she may return, she wondered if she would ever again see her home.

(Attelboro, Massachusetts, Earth)

Focus... And... Snap! Kelly had just taken her eighth picture of the day, a leaf turning golden yellow in the autumn sky. But she had taken the picture on accident, because as she was aiming, a cluster of meteors streaked through the sky. There were two things wrong with that. First, meteors are hardly ever in clusters. And secondly, it was midday, so no natural meteors should have been visible. She looked down at her hand, and concentrated. A ball of light bloomed from her palm, and she squealed. She tried for a larger area of light, but to no avail. 'Rats,' she thought 'the time has come, but I do not have enough magic.' She dashed towards home to prepare for the war she knew was to come.

As she reached her home, she unlocked the front door and ran into her basement. She pressed a hidden panel in the wall and it swung open to reveal her armor. She paced forward and took her sword from the wall, unsheathing it. The air filled with the sound of leather scraping metal as she drew her blade. It was an elegant blade, slim with a jagged edge. She admired the Arkeyan steel for a moment, then re-sheathed it and strapped it to her waist. Next were her gauntlets. She secured them around her arm then flicked her wrist. A mirror slid into her palm. She concentrated, and a ray of light bounced off the mirror, magnified, and left a small black mark on the wall. In Skylands, with more magic, she could burn down entire airships with her mirrors. But ever since the Doorways closed, magic on Earth started fading away. The only reason she had survived thousands of years like she had was because the magic still left had fueled her huge lifespan. Within the past few years, she had felt it fading away, and knew that she would soon die if she could not return to Skylands. But now the Doorways were opening, and magic was leaking back into Earth.

She slid on her chest plate, then her helm. Finally, she was ready for battle. And not a moment too soon, for she heard explosions drawing closer. She ran up the stairs, only to be confronted by Arkeyan soldiers. They stared at her for a moment, then raised their blades. In a flash, Kelly had her sword drawn and cut the three robots in half. They fell, then an explosion rocked the foundations of Kelly's home. She ran outside to see a fleet of Arkeyan Copters. They opened fire, and humans started swarming onto the streets, then ran as they saw they were being invaded by... Whatever these bombers were. Kelly started speeding down the street, running at the Copter closest to her. She climbed up to the nearest roof, said the first prayer that popped into her mind, and jumped. Beautiful, ten foot long, golden-white wings sprouted from her back, and she soared through the air. Her blade flashed as she flew by the first Copter, and it plummeted from the sky, missing a propeller. One of the pilots noticed, and soon all the enemy fighters had opened fire on the Angel. She swerved to avoid orbs of lethal magic, and one by one, the Copters fell, their engines melted by Light. Soon the Arkeyans were simple piles of wreckage. Kelly heard the word "Angel" more than once from the crowd, but she had little time to contemplate, for she had already formed a Portal, and was on her way to Skylands.

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