Chapter 6: Leah, Portal Master of Air

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(Earth: Above Oklahoma, Present Day)

Leah was on a plane, waiting. She was going skydiving, something she did often. As the pilot leveled out at jump height, Leah unfastened herself from her seat. Strapped onto the back of her chair was her bow. It was a compound bow, made of a silver, lightweight metal. As she swung her quiver onto her back, loaded with a dozen arrows, she walked over to her small firing range. It was just a foam target mounted on the wall of the aircraft. After thirty arrows hit bulls eye, Leah was above her drop point. She shifted her quiver to the fastenings on her leg, and closed the cap on it. She clipped her bow to her specially made chute pack, and fastened herself into it.

"Leah, are you ready to jump?" Mark's voice rang out over the intercom. Leah checked herself over, and called back.

"All ready Mark! Go ahead and open the door!" Leah grinned as the cargo door opened, and wind whipped at her silver-blond hair. But as she looked outside, five meteorites flew in and struck Leah in the chest. She cried out in pain and fell. She saw the objects sitting on her chest, and gasped. The meteorites looked like four small creatures. There was a spiked turtle riding a tornado, a blue, muscular creature with a human like face and beard, but it was holding lightning and had a cloud instead of legs. There was also a black griffin with silver ankle bracelets and a silver headpiece, along with something that looked like a cross between a dragon and a unicorn. Also on her chest was a sky blue crystal. She took it in her fingers, and gasped again. In her mind, a collection of islands floating in the air appeared. She saw the Core of Light, and Eon's Citadel. She also saw, unwillingly, Draxx's Arkeyan army try to destroy the Citadel. She watched as the Skylanders charged into battle, but got called back. She couldn't entirely see Draxx's weapon, but she did witness the black beam strike Eon's Citadel and the monumental explosion that followed after. As her sight returned, she realized that Warnado, Lightning Rod, Sonic Boom, and Whirlwind was what struck her, and they were now sitting on her chest.

Whirlwind spoke in her head. "Leah, help us. An agent of the Darkness is on his way here. We must flee at once!" Leah's mind immediately went to Mark. She knew she couldn't put him in danger. She stood and shoved the figures into her pocket, and zipped it shut. She sprinted to the cargo door and leapt out. She tugged at the ripcord of her pack, but it wouldn't budge. She tugged harder, but with no result. She cried out. Her fall must have jammed her pack. Whirlwind spoke in her mind again. "The Crystal, Leah, the Crystal!" Leah's hand tightened on it, and her descent slowed. She realized that there was a wind current under her, keeping her aloft. She was wowed.

"How am I doing this?" She thought to Whirlwind

"You're a Portal Master," replied the unicorn-dragon hybrid, "and not only that, but you control the Air element." She stated.

"I'm impressed," said a voice behind Leah "but I think I'll be taking that stone now." Leah spun, and became face-to-face with a man in a black robe cuffed with light blue. He also held himself aloft with an air current.

"Oh? But, uh, won't I like, uh, fall?" Leah stated, playing dumb.

"I fixed your parachute while your back was turned." He stated.

"Oh. Okay!" Said Leah, "Just let me get it sir." She stated, then unzipped her pocket and reached in with her left hand, though the Crystal was in her right. What she grabbed though, was Sonic Boom. Her mind dropped back into the Crystal. "Here you go!" she said with a huge, stupid grin as she flung Sonic Boom at the man. As she flew through the air, Leah released the shield containing her, and Sonic Boom leapt at the man yelling "Die, Mage!"

The Mage had good reflexes. As Sonic Boom flew, a pair of sky-blue nunchaku appeared in his hands, capped with fans. He swung them, and a huge blast of air sent Sonic Boom scrambling. She flew backwards until she managed to right herself. Leah threw out, and then freed, the rest of her Skylanders. She also used a current of Air to keep her Crystal on her throat. She unclipped her bow, threw off her chute pack, opened her quiver, and knocked an arrow, pointed at the Mage's heart. He laughed at the heroes before him, and snapped his fingers. Behind him appeared an army of Buzzer Beaks and Air Spell Punks. The Skylanders backed up, and the Mage laughed again. He motioned forward, and his army advanced. The Punks used Air magic to speed up the Buzzers, making them highly dangerous. As fast as they were though, the Skylanders were more powerful. The Buzzers fell to Earth soon after they launched their attack. But what neither Leah nor the Skylanders noticed was a Buzzer beak flying after Mark's plane. The bird flew into the planes engine, and it caught fire. Leah cried out as she saw it, and went to fly after the plane. The Mage knocked her back. Then Lightning Rod and Warnado charged the Mage head on as Whirlwind and Sonic Boom flanked him. He knocked back the Storm Giant and Turtle, but the others flew past him and in the direction of the burning plane.

Lightning Rod and Warnado started to fall.

The Mage turned to the fleeing Skylanders.

Leah's rage finally broke free.

She flew at the Mage. The Crystal told her what to say. "AERIS!" She screamed. She was covered by sky-blue armor, and a white robe. Blue fans appeared in her hands, and she sent razor sharp air currents at him. his robe flapped and tore, and his face got covered with cuts.

"FOOL," he shouted at Leah, "don't you see?! Your friends cannot hold up an entire plane without your help! And yet here you are, trying to kill me. I can promise you that I will not die easily. Before I die, your friend will. But you let me go, you will still have time to save him. Either way, you win, but so do I. So what will it be, hero? Two people dying, or two people living?" Leah gritted her teeth.

"Lightning Rod, Warnado, come on. You got lucky this time, Mage. But you will pay." She vowed firmly. He laughed, then disappeared. Leah flew at the plane and, with her Crystal, she gently set it down. Before Mark could see her, she formed a Portal, and shot off to Skylands.

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