Chapter 11: Jason, Portal Master of Dark

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Jason lived nocturnally, which wasn't surprising, considering he was (quite literally) a demon trapped in a human body. Well, it shouldn't be said that he was trapped, for he had volunteered for his current form.

(Skylands, Core of Light, thousands of years ago)

When Jason heard that some Portal Masters were needed to reside on Earth, he immediately jumped at the chance. Ever since the Darkness struck, he had been trusted less and less by the residents of Skylands, who couldn't see the difference between Dark and the Darkness. Though it was true that the two elements were the same at their core, Dark was the true element, while the Darkness was essentially Dark magic influenced with hatred and greed, which was then used for evil. The very minute the Darkness struck, Jason became an outcast. The other Portal Masters even forbid him from being on the same battlefield as the Darkness, fearing that he would turn against them. Jason was the first one to volunteer for the relocation to Earth, along with his best friend, and the only one to still accept him, Kelly.

He had lived a busy life on Earth. He was a vigilante, always striking at evil, always in the shadows. He had toppled kings, queens, dictators, mafias, anything he had deemed wrong. He always fought with his short sword, and rarely ever used guns. One American director, after hearing about Jason's exploits, made a movie loosely based on him, which portrayed a large man with a hockey mask and machete who murdered many people, mostly teenagers. But when Jason killed, it was always in the name of justice.

(Las Vegas, Earth, Present Day)

Explosions rang through the city streets as Arkeyans razed it. Humans could be seen running. trying to escape the brutal slaughter. Another round struck, and corpses flew through the air. Then, as one of the Copters lowered its altitude to drop ground troops, it exploded. The firelight illuminated a man with dark hair with a sword in his hand. Leathery, bat-like wings sprouted from his back, and he took off into his sky. He barely managed to avoid Arkeyan fire. The figure turned and called out "Humans! Flee! Get underground! I'll hold them off!" Some heard, and fled into the sewers from the craters made by Arkeyan bombs. Jason turned to the Arkeyans, and summoned his courage. He drew his arms out straight, then brought them together. A sound like thunder rang through the air, and inky strands of dark pooled from his hands. The Dark energy shot towards the Copters, encasing them in a cloud of blackness. He heard screams from inside, and the war machines fell and clanked on the ground, crushing the frame and leaving even more craters. All was silent for a moment, then there was a steady marching rhythm as Arkeyan foot soldiers swarmed from the wreckage and organized into a phalanx formation. They then advanced towards the civilians at full sprint. just before the first soldier could take the life of a man trapped under some wreckage, the robots were met with a flurry of blades. Jason stood above the man, hacking away at the soldiers. The man could only gape in awe as he watched the winged boy cut through an entire platoon of these alien invaders. When Jason stood in a pile of wreckage, he turned to the man, who visibly flinched. Jason gently reached down, got a hold on the chunk of concrete, and threw it, freeing the man. He then took off into the air.

"These Arkeyans have been defeated!" He cried, which was answered with a cheer. "The battle is won, but the war is far from over! There will be more, and in greater numbers. But you must resist! Spread the word to master the Elements; Air, Earth, Fire, Life, Magic, Tech, Undead, and Water. You will have to resist, and keep your world and your will. I will return to my world to fight there, but I can not destroy them all. Keep Earth free! I will return, with help!"

And with that, he flew to his Portal, and teleported to Skylands.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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