Luigi Trips and Falls Into Battle!

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(Luigi's POV)

Luigi is my name. I have forever been shoved to the side. Even my Japanese name, Ruigi, means similar. I can't believe it! Nobody respects me. It drives me mad. I am awful with ladies, I'm scrawny and skinny, and my voice is annoying, or so I've been told. When I do get a gal, it's always out of pity, and she's always second-hand, from Mario after he meets some new chick. I have my own games, the Luigi's Mansion series. Some people say it's cool, but it scares me!

I heard that Smash Bros 4 invitations were coming out. Why didn't I know? I ran up to Mario, kicking and screaming.

"Mario! Did you get an invitation to Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS?" I yelled.

Mario came in through the balcony door. We're honestly pretty wealthy, but we like living in a tiny apartment in Brooklyn, like we did when we were kids. Saving on rent can let us spend a lot of money on other stuff.

"It's-a you, Luigi! Hello! Of-a course I got an invitation, you dunderhead! I'm-a Nintendo's mascot!" he yelled back. We aren't the tightest brothers.

"Did.... I get one?" I whimpered.

The one thing that makes my life worthwhile is that I'm in Smash Brothers. It makes me feel important, that people choose to use me to win, that they have faith in me. Sure, I'm almost always the worst character, and sure, I'm always unlocked by doing something that works the number 2 into the challenge, (which hurts because it means I'm number 2) but I'm proud of what I have. I even beat Mario once!

"Haha, Luigi! I-a hid your invitation in the sewer! Wahoo!"

I was so mad at him! How could he ruin what I love most? I ran after him, but he left the sliding balcony door open, and he ran out, slamming the door on my toes. Ouch! Then, he pulled out his Super Cape, a cape he uses as a weapon, but he can even use it to fly. He dove over the railing, and flew off. There was no hope now. I knew he'd come back tonight, though.

I needed that letter! I strapped on my vacuum from Luigi's Mansion, and brought my Gameboy Horror. Using the Gameboy Horror, I contacted my blood brother, Professor E. Gadd. He's this whacked out old dude who made my vacuum and GBH. I was talking to him.

"Luigi! Hello! It's great to see you! My house has more ghosts, and a few demons too! If you'd come sucking them with your vacuum, eat all your veggies, you get a balloon!" he rhymed.

"Aaah, maybe later, Prof. I-a need your advice. Mario said he hid my-a Smash Invite in the-a sewers! What should I-a do?"

"Luigi, Luigi, I had a brother too! I bet he used his Cape Suit, and away he flew! Having a sibling is not too much fun, but check for your letter under the rug!"

So, I checked under the edge of the rug near the door. Lo' and behold, there it was!

"Luigi, cough-cough in all seriousness, without rhyming, you need to toughen up to your brother. Now, read the letter, and take it with you, my boy! Don't sell it, don't lose it, just run straight to the new Smash Hall! This going to be very important!"

So, I read it out loud:

The greatest Luigi,

I ask you to come to Super Smash Bros for Nintendo 3DS this year. I understand your brother is very cruel and unfair to you. Well, that's why I know you love Smash! You can beat him all you want! I have some new moves and tricks for you, and I hope you'll like them. Good news as well! You are now a character right from the start, so no more Number-Two-Unlocky-Shenanigans any more! I think you will like this.

Your ever-trying-to-be-fair game developer,

Masahiro Sakurai

I was so very excited! I switched off the GameBoy Horror, and dashed out the door! All I needed to do to get to the Wii U was, go to the lobby, teleport over to New Super Mario Bros 2, (which is on the 3DS) and then head to Smash Hall.

As I teleported, I wondered what Mario would think now that I was gone. I'm sure he'd be here in a day or so. Oh, Mario. Always unfashionably late.

As I was there, I saw two new people I had never met. This one woman, she was probably only 20 or so, but she didn't really look like anything, so it was hard to tell. Like, I mean no face. She was kinda cute. But... she was with this guy! Dang it!

Then, Mr. Sakurai strode out of Smash Hall in a straight line. Everyone turned, but his welcoming the newer characters was always expected.

Unfortunately, King Dedede returned. King Dedede look like a really fat penguin, wearing a fuzzy red robe. He has a giant hammer. Let me tell you, that hammer hurts when it hits your butt. Everyone has someone picking on them around here, but why did Dedede choose me? His voice is deep, and kind of hard to hear, and scary!

"Muhuhuh! Wuizi! I see anodda weak chawacter has returned. Bwafafa! Are you ready for yearly hammering?"

I just took it. I'm used to the pain. King Dedede definitely got better since Smash Bros Brawl. Then, to finish me off so to speak, he puffed up his stomach, and floated into the air. I knew what was going to happen.

I tried to run away, but it was too late. Dedede blew out all his air, and slammed his 300 pound self right on top of me! Even when I'm away from Mario, I have problems. King Dedede was thankfully, satisfied. I took a 360 scope around to see who some of the characters were. I saw my friend, Dr. Mario! I haven't seen Dr. Mario in years. He wasn't invited last time, because Bowser, a big bully like Dedede, pressured Sakurai into thinking Dr. Mario was just like Mario, a clone character as they say. Dr. Mario is a lot nicer than Mario! They look the same, they have the same name, but they are different people entirely!

"Wahoo! It's-a my old pal, Luigi! I'm-a so happy to see you-a made the cut!" he said excitedly.

"Uh, it should be me saying that, DM! I was so disappointed you weren't let into Brawl!" I exclaimed.

"Have you seen the inside of Smash-a Hall yet? There's-a everything you could need!" he yelled. Doc was definitely fired up.

I knew that Doctor Mario would treat me like I was a regular person, just like everyone else.

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