Rosalina Scorns into Battle!

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(Rosalina's POV)

I have worked so very hard to make it here. I did everything possible. I needed to catch up with Mario. But are the things I did to be here all right? I did do some thing's I wasn't proud of. Yes, I threw the Ice Climbers off the cliff so Luma and I could replace them. Maybe I blinded Sakurai while he was writing invitations so I could steal Snake's.

Woman's duty, right? Mario wronged me, and I have been on the warpath too long. He stood me up at the best place in the entire universe and yet he wasn't there. No excuse can make that sound good. Now, everyone will hear Rosalina and Luma blasted on the speakers every match.

We are the most powerful! Not only am I a magical maiden, I pretty much own the observable universe, and take claim to anything outside of that.

I saw Mario before Smash Hall was even opened! I was just so curious to explore the place. I floated up to the roof, and I just sat on the ledge, looking at the glowing sun. Luma floated up after me, twinkling her way next to me.

"Luma, I hope you're proud of where we are right now," I began. "because we are literally in the greatest place on Earth. I think that this year, and every year after, we will nail it! Furthermore-" I stopped. Luma was gone! "Ohnoohnoohnoohno! Omigod,omigod, I need to find Luma now holy crap omigod!"

I dashed in through an air vent. It was dusty! I think I heard some radioactive rats trying to poison me. Common legend states that once, radioactive rats invaded the original Smash Castle, and kept out a couple burglars back in the day. Supposedly, they've been brought back as protection every year. Sure, I didn't see one, but it still might be there! I finally found a ceiling panel to escape from, after what seemed like eternity.

I flew through the front hall, and guess what I see? Luma! Unfortunately, this happy moment was bittersweet, because Mario was there, watching Luma eat way too much candy. I called Luma over, rocking her in my hands.

I honestly did chew Mario out. Really, really hard. To be honest, it was really hard to be so angry! I thought I would get wrinkles and liver spots from all this yelling.

I ended with a good "You don't stand a chance!" and a kiss for good measure.

Then, I flew off to continue exploring. Luma followed close behind. Luma can communicate in twinkles, which is either the most adorable, or most awesome thing ever.

"Agh, Mario is such a pain!" I groaned.

"Twinkle Twink Twinkle!" said Luma. (But you love him even so, huh?)

"Yeah. D'ya think any other people will be here?"

"Spark Twink Twinkle!" Luma beamed. (Yes! I heard there are a lot of women now! You'll have some gal pals!)

"Gal pals? What the... is that just like friends that are female? What do you do with gal pals? I'm always so busy running the entire universe and whatnot, I don't always have time for socializing!" I was confused.

"Twinkilinkilink! Zoooodink! Sparkle!" Luma said, enthused. (Gal pals are like super special girls you hang out with to have fun! Haven't you ever had a Ladies' Night Out? I bet that would be pretty crazy, with all these different kinds of characters!)

After a nice little chat with Luma, and a very long trip down the hallways, we found the gym! Anyone who was already here would probably want to get a head-start on their training! Unless they were crazy little adventurers like Luma and I. I swung open the double doors to reveal the largest, most luxurious gym I'd ever seen! Everything you could imagine, right there in one giant room!

It seemed no one was there, disappointingly. I looked around to see if I could find anything cool. I found a yoga ball! You know, the big bouncy rubber ball you sit on to bounce around. There was even a little handle to help you hold on! I saddled myself on top of it, choosing a cool teal colored one, and as I sat down, I realized I had never actually done this before. All of a sudden, Luma somehow pushed me forward, and off I went. At first, I had the hang of it, but then my momentum began increasing a little quick for my taste.

"Luma? I'm going a little too fast! How do I-" Click!

The lights went off, and I screamed. Luma began rumbling, but then, she was silent too. Her sparkle turned off, and it became absolutely pitch-dark.

"Luuuma?" my voice echoed.

"Ma mimi mo, ba doo doo, o ri ma! Elele doo do wa, mi... to... re..." a voice sang, in gibberish. I recognized the tune as Totaka's Song, a short little piece I had heard more than once. By now, I was scared out of my wits.

"Whoever you are, get away from me! Or I'll, or I'll..." I whimpered.

I saw a flash of a person. I saw another! Then, the lights went on again! Luma was gone. I saw about five little boys and girls. They were the Villagers! I knew them!

"Um, guys? Hey. I'm Rosalina, technically I protect the entire universe, so you should, like, give me Luma back. Please?" I begged.

One of the Villagers smiled, and winked. He knelt down, and put down a sapling. Another Villager stepped from the shadows. She clutched a watering can seemingly bigger than her face. She sprinkled on some water. The sapling began to grow bigger and bigger. It began creaking as it cracked through the tiled floor. The tiles began shattering. As it grew, I noticed the tree had a big imprint of... Luma! I was terrified once again. The Villagers were nowhere to be found, either! They must have all taken their leave.

I flew up to the treetop. "Surely the ceiling will stop it," I thought. But, no! The big tree began to push against the ceiling (and roof) of Smash Hall! I panicked, and shrieked as loud as I could. Then, I heard the sound of thundering boots. Suddenly, a green clad somewhat elfin man rushed through the doors.

"Heeeyaaaaah!" he yelled, unsheathing his mighty sword.

He slashed into the base of the tree, slicing less than halfway through. Then, he summoned a mighty hurricane, devastating the large branches, which fell like rain.

"That would be... my Gale Boomerang." he said softly.

The mysterious man withdrew his sword once again, slicing and slashing until there were nothing but small wood chips.

"Oh? Thank you!" I said. "And what is the name of my hero?"

"I so very humbly introduce myself as Link, the Hero of Twilight." he said, bowing. "You are the esteemed Princess Rosalina."

"Link, Hero of Twilight, you have my eternal gratitude. I have one question, though. Have you seen my Luma? She's about yea big, yellow, and with an adorable face."

Link chuckled. The Gale Boomerang came rushing back out of nowhere, and when it stopped moving, it slowly allowed Luma down to the ground.

"Oh, thank you! See, I'm new to Smash Brothers and-"

"I understand. You're also the one who gave Mario such a scolding earlier, I presume." he scoffed.

"Whatever, Hero of Still A Better Love Story Than Twilight!" I shouted at him. I expected a bigger response, but he simply turned his head and walked away.

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