Wii Fit Trainer Reyns Down!

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(Wii Fit Trainer POV)

It was just a regular day at Smash Hall. We'd had time to get acclimated to the atmosphere, time to soak in the general air of extravagance, and now we were used to it. I woke up to the sound of generic Wii music.

"Ah, this place is a wonderful place to wake up in!" I sighed.

I commenced my regular morning workout routine. I hopped on my treadmill and set it to a challenging incline, and did a nice power walk set at 3.5 for ten minutes. Then, I set the incline to zero for a nice sprint. I aimed for 90% of my maximum heart rate, and I hit it. Afterwards, I went for some squats, with dumbbells at my sides. Afterwards, I went for overhead presses for twenty minutes. Some yoga for cool down, and I was ready to start the day.

Opening my door a crack, I saw R.O.B. powered down in the hallway.

"I'll turn you back on, little buddy!" I said to nobody in particular, flipping R.O.B.'s switch.

I strolled down the hallway, and checked the clock hanging down from the ceiling. 4:00 AM. Well then.

I walked down the flight of stairs leading to the dining hall. I didn't expect Monita, the robotic cook, would be up yet, so I knew it would be quiet, solitary, and generally undisturbed for the time being. It was anything but that. Wario and Ganondorf were hunched over the far corner of the large, rectangular table, probably drinking.

"Hey, guys! Hey!" I called. Nothing.

I dashed over to the corner where they were. Ganondorf was lying on the table, and he looked in pain. Wario was chewing up metal beer cans, eating the metal and beer.

"Weh heh heh! Ganondorf and I were having a, uh, little contest last night! Obviously I won! He passed out like he took a bunch of Tylenol PM!" Wario wheezed.

"Um, if I may ask, why are you still drinking if you won?" I asked.

"He might wake up, don't you think Wii No Brainer? Weh heh heh!"

"But, you said if he passed out, you win!" I reminded Wario.

"Listen girlie, I just need an excuse to drink on what could be called the job."

I decided to ignore him for the time being. I shook Ganondorf. Nothing. I baby-slapped Ganondorf in the face. Still dozing away. I shut my eyes, clenched my teeth, and slapped Ganondorf across the face as hard as I could.

"ARGH!" Ganondorf shouted.

I began backing off, not wanting to see his incurred wrath.

"Wii Fit, seriously? You had better unslap my face before you won't be able to slap any more!" Ganondorf roared, chasing after me, down the long stretch of table.

"Ganondork, can you do this?" I taunted, bending my legs, preparing for an incredible jump. I flipped into the air, grabbing hold of the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. I held my breath, and clutched hold of it. Without looking down, I positioned myself in a comfortable sitting position.

I peered down. I must have been twenty feet up in the air! How did I even get up that high? I remembered that Ganondorf was attempting to unload a Warlock Punch on me, and if I had jumped at just the right moment...

"Curse you! I'm going to call Ghirahim, and then he'll.." Ganondorf began.

Then, the door bust open. A teen with blond, tousled hair came running towards Ganondorf.

"This is the Monado's Power! Monado Jump!" he shouted, his gigantic sword, as well as his body, glowing green.

The boy jumped an incredible amount, soaring up straight to me, and he almost fell. He caught himself, and held on tight to the pipes hidden in the ceiling.

"Hello, my name is Shulk, and I just want to say, thank God for plumbing!" Shulk said, laughing. "But, miss! This is truly no laughing matter, as there's an oversized Gerudo git we need to crush."

I realized that I was holding his gigantic sword, and the chandelier was to the near point of falling. I wanted to give it back to him, but of course he needed his hands to hold on.

"I'm comin' down!" Shulk warned, swinging on top of the chandelier, grabbing his sword.

"No!" I cried.

The chandelier came crashing down the whole twenty feet, crashing into Ganondorf, smashing him into the metal floor. Shulk picked me up, holding me in his arms.

"Careful miss, the broken crystal, though beautiful, is dangerous. Shulk said.

Then he put me back down, and dragged Ganondorf out from under the rubble.

"I'm really feeling it! Monado Buster!" Shulk shouted towards the heavens.

Shulk's Monado and clothes glowed a burning red, as he kicked Ganondorf up, and swung at him, slamming the Gerudo into the wall, and out cold.

"If I may, I must make my leave now. Monado Speed!" Shulk called, dashing away, out of sight.

Of course, I got out of there as soon as possible to avoid Ganondorf waking up. As I turned out of the door, I was stopped by a middle aged man, out of shape, but at some point could have been very strong.

"Hey, hey, hey! Why, look who it is! It's Wii Fit Trainer, by golly! My name is Jerome Louis, but you can call me Doc." he grinned.

"Um, hi Doc! I don't believe we've met. I guess you know I'm Wii Fit Trainer already. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Oh, yes! I was about to tell you. See, my protege Mac, I've been teachin' him to box for a while now. He's won a few championships over his time. So, he was invited to this Smash Hall place to be part of some tournament that's gonna happen. The problem is, this sure ain't boxing, heh heh! So I was going to ask you... would you help me train Little Mac?" Doc Louis asked.

"Sure! I'd love to, Doc! I can start any time." I replied.

"Well, dontcha want to meet 'im first?" Doc asked, dragging me along.

Doc Louis took me all the way up to the top floor of the building, one floor up from my room. A bunch of photographers and interviewers were asking questions through the door, banging, and generally making a commotion.

"Excuse me, guys. Little Mac, he's-" Doc Louis tried to speak over the crowd. "TWEEEEET!" Doc blew his whistle. "EXCUSE ME!" Doc shouted. "I am trying to get to my trainee, Little Mac. He is not taking interviews at the moment! Now scram!"

All the reporters dispersed quickly, making an opening straight to Little Mac's door. Doc Louis had some scanner card that unlocked Little Mac's door.

"Mac! Stop watching ESPN for one moment and take a look at your new trainer, Wii Fit!"

Little Mac switched off the flatscreen TV and got up.

"Hey, I'm Little Mac, I'm from the Bronx, nice to meet ya." Mac said.

I couldn't wait to see how strong he was.

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