Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Cheryl’s POV

(This chapter might make more sense if you’ve read “My Weak Spot”, because I felt it would kind of ruin the chapter if I tried to explain what happened. There’s no real need to read it though.)

How I’ve ended up sitting around our table playing ‘never have I ever’ with the girls, JUSTIN, and his mates, I don’t know. Well, the game was Sarah’s idea.

I’m slouched back on a big chair facing the couch, facing Kimberley and Justin. They’ve been talking nonstop, not even bothering to look up. I know, because I’ve been quite the stalker, and they would’ve been faced with my angry scowl. The only thing that’s stopping me from jumping in-between them is the fact that Kimberley seems to be kindly rejecting all of Justin’s flirty touches, although I think she could do without the kindness.

I bring my glass to my lips and down my drink once more. I’m pulled out of my glare by Sarah’s loud scream.

“YOU’VE HAD A THREESOME?!” Oh… right… the game!

“Erm, no… I just felt like drinking”. I blush, feeling stupid. But at least it’s grabbed Kimba’s attention away from Justin for a few seconds. She looks at me for a split second before Justin asks her a question and her head turns sideways again. For f*ck’s sake. He NEEDS to stop interrupting our looks. I decide to play dirty. I fill up my glass and open my mouth.

“Okay okay… I have one”. Everybody shifts their attention to me, obviously shocked at hearing me speak for the first time tonight. Even though I know it’ll make Kimberley p*ssed, I continue, simply needing some kind of reaction from her.

“Never have I ever… gotten into a girl fight”. Everybody laughs, thinking I’m actually joking about my embarrassing past, except for Kimberley, who looks me straight in the eye, warning me. I ignore it.

“What’s that now Kimba… not drinking? You can’t lie in this game you know”. The girls still think I’m joking around and none of them are surprised at Kimberley’s lack of drinking, except Justin.

“Wait… Kimba… didn’t you once…”

“JUSTIN, how about you tell me about your trip to Africa?” Kimberley manages to distract him successfully as he is already rambling on about some safari. Whether she’s listening to him, I don’t know, but she’s no longer looking at me.

The game continues and I vaguely hear Nadine saying “Never have I ever kissed a girl”. I turn towards her and get another idea.

“Nadiiiiine that’s kindergarten stuff, we’ve all kissed each other” I say, making sure I have all the guys’ attention, making sure Justin’s no longer distracting Kimberley and making sure she’s listening to me before continuing. “Never have I ever had sex with a girl”.

A chorus of “ohhhhhhhhhhhh” fills the room, the guys excited, the girls too drunk to realise the potential awkwardness.

I take a big sip of my drink, turning my head, finding Kimberley’s eyes already on me. Again, she doesn’t seem to be picking up her drink.

“What’s the matter?” I direct at her. “Are you not enjoying the game? I have plenty more you can ‘not’ drink at… ‘never have I ever had sex in a public place’, ‘never have I ever cheated on a boyfriend’, ‘never have I ever broken a girl’s heart’, ‘never have I ever… -”

I’m pulled out of my chair by my arm, spilling half my drink on the floor. In my drunken state it takes me a split second to realise it’s Kimberley pulling me along. She finally lets me go when we’ve exited the club through the smoker’s exit. Kimberley turns to face me with a look that I’ve only seen a couple of times before. It’s her angry look. The kind of look that doesn’t go away by kissing her.

“Are you still against telling the whole showbiz world about us? Because you might as well call the f*cking newspapers by now!”

“Oh, there’s an us now?! I thought we were ‘on a break’”.

“No Cheryl. I don’t think we’re on a break. I think we’re over”.

“What, because you have your precious Justin back now? Last time I checked, you were very much gay”.

“I never said I was gay Cheryl. It might shock you, but our relationship somehow just did not make me as desperate for a man as it made you”.

“I’m not desperate for a man!”

“Oh you’re not? Huh, must’ve misunderstood your throwing yourself at a stranger for desperateness I suppose. My bad”.

“My GOD, could you be MORE frigid?! NOTHING HAPPENED. Maybe you DO need to go find Justin and get laid!”

“Yeah… how about I go do exactly that! I’m so done with you”.

With that, Kimberley walks past me and I hear the door slam shut, nicely symbolizing the end of our relationship.

The Aftermath Of Lust (Sequel to My Weak Spot)Where stories live. Discover now