Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Cheryl’s POV

Someone lightly bumps into me and my head automatically turns to see Justin taking Kimberley away. The happy couple. I tear my eyes away when someone addresses me and I politely smile at them while they chatter on about something I have no interest in. Not now.

My eyes go back to the corner. Back to her.

They look pretty secretive. I try to work out what they’re talking about. Even if I don’t like seeing them together, they must be mentioning me in their conversation.

Justin seems to be questioning her as he’s holding his hands in front of him, palms up, the way you do when you need answers. The way Kimberley’s eyes dart over his shoulder makes me think she doesn’t want people listening to their conversation. She shrugs her shoulders and visibly sighs. She scans the room once more, her eyes almost hitting me...

“Miss Cole? Champagne?” I turn around to the waiter just in time, I hope. Before Kimberley caught me staring.

I reach for the glass of champagne and take a big gulp. Egh! Disgusting! I involuntarily make a horrid face only to hear Simon’s chuckle.

“Why do you insist on drinking it if you’re going to keep making that face?” He chuckles some more. I pout at him before smiling, genuinely this time.

“It’s always the first thing they offer! I’d be a lot happier if they started with some shots”.

“Shots huh? Classy!” He shakes his head laughing. He’s momentarily distracted by someone coming up and shaking his hand, giving me a split-second to turn to my favourite corner once more.

Justin has his hands on her shoulders. A pang of jealousy shoots through me for the millionth time tonight and I imagine what would happen if I ran over there and punched him in the face. Probably not a good idea.

My heart skips a beat as Kim lifts her head and I get a glimpse of her face. I know that face. Though I see no tears, she’s obviously upset. She hates it when people see her upset. She even used to try and hide it from me!

“Booaaarrhhh” I empty my stomach outside our tent for the fourth time that night.

She’s there though. Rubbing my back and guiding me back inside. I can barely stand on my legs. We get back in her sleeping bag, to keep the warmth. She’s there for me.

We haven’t been this close since that night. The night I found out Ashley had cheated on me. And now she’s holding me and helping me get through this crazy experience. Even after everything I did to her.

I’ve never felt worse. Climbing a f*cking mountain... what was I thinking?! It’s freezing cold, pitch black, and I can’t stop the vomit coming up. Perfect.

I’m exhausted and with my head against her chest, the sound of her heartbeat, her hand stroking my head softly, her other around my neck, I pass out fairly quickly.


I wake to the sick feeling once more and rush out of the tent. When I walk back in she’s standing at the entrance looking nervous. I look into her eyes and attempt a smile. She draws me into a hug and we walk back to bed. I collapse into her again.

“I’m sorry for keeping you up” I whisper softly.

“Cheryl don’t be ridiculous! Just try to sleep” She answers abruptly, making me feel even guiltier.

I stay silent. Not able to sleep now. I pull back to tell her I’ll sleep in my own sleeping bag but I’m stopped by the sight of tears running down her face. She quickly covers her eyes with her hand and shakes her head.

“Kimba!” I take her hand in my hand. “Why are you crying?!”

She shuts her eyes, probably to stop the tears, but it’s no use, they keep pouring down her cheeks. Instead, she moves her head to lean against my shoulder. I hear her quiet sobs and I hold her closer.

“Heey... shh...” I try. “It’s okay...”

“No it’s not” she mumbles. “It’s all my fault”.

“What?” I ask. But I receive no answer, so I try again. I gently lift her head from my shoulder and hold her head in my hands. “What’s your fault babe?” I ask again.

She looks at me through her tears. Wow. Somehow her vulnerability makes her look even more stunning. My gaze almost moves down to her lips before I hear her speak, bringing me out of my thoughts.

“I asked you to climb this mountain with me. I thought it might make us closer again... after...I mean... I just... I made you do this. And now you’re practically dying...”

I chuckle softly. “I’m not dying Kimba”.

“You can’t even stand on your own two feet!”

“I’m fine. Just a little sick. I’ll be fine in the morning” I say while stroking her cheek with my thumb.

“Hmmpff” she rolls her eyes and I feel her squirm in the sleeping bag. Am I making her feel uncomfortable?

I wipe some tears away with my thumbs and we lock eyes. My heart skips a beat. I haven’t been this close to her in so long. And the last time I was, we were naked.

I hear her breathe in unsteadily.

It doesn’t take much to ruin our moment though. My foot accidentally touches hers and her eyes jerk down quickly before moving back up again and I can tell by her look. The moment is over.

“We should go to sleep” she mumbles, begging me with her eyes to let it go. I don’t want to. But I know I have no right. I went back to Ashley. I rejected her (albeit not willingly). I lied to her. She was nothing but perfect.

“Yeah. Okay. Goodnight”.

“Night” I look at her face, partly hidden by the covers. Eyes closed, pretending to go to sleep, tears still present on her face.

I’m shaken out of my memory by a flash of blond hair moving across the dance floor to the bathrooms.

I look towards the corner, where Justin is still stood. He’s looking straight at me, frowning slightly. He moves the corner of his mouth and rolls his eyes as if to say “of course” and in a second I know he knows. She told him. I shrug my shoulders and scrunch my face up, hoping he’ll understand this as my apology. He leans his head sideward and nods in the direction of the bathrooms. I don’t need any more encouragement and am already on my way there.

The Aftermath Of Lust (Sequel to My Weak Spot)Where stories live. Discover now