1) Lost in Liverpool

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*I chose Liverpool because I stayed there last week and its beautiful*

Dil's POV
It started with a nightmare, that's all it was, just a Dream. The thing I never realised, was that it wasn't a dream, it was real. I remember it clearly.

Dad screamed "PHIL" and I watched Papa get dragged away, I was lying down in my push-chair. In a buzz Dad ran away leaving me. He pushed me over to a girl, brown hair with blond at the bottom, Zoe I think she was, she was soon taken as well and I was left there, sobbing until my lungs hurt. that's when I learnt, crying gets you no ware. A homeless teenager found me after 5 hours alone. She had pretty nice clothes. Like she had just run away, with her backpack and phone. She looked down on me.

"Dil?" She had asked "something has gone wrong, Dan and Phil were kidnapped, Dil" she looked down on me tears in her eyes.

This girls name, as I later found out, was Skyla. She helped bring me up. Until last year, she was shot, by a mugger. I had ran away, I returned hours later to find her dead. This is when I learnt, never love anyone, that puts them in danger.

So here I am, left alone, I sometimes steal..... I share it with other people at the train station. The station in Liverpool is empty and dull at night. With only the late night riders and homeless gangs. I never knew what happened to Dad and Papa. They were kidnapped, last I ever herd from them. I sit next to a girl, Erica. Good friend if a little annoying at times. Our eyes slowly close as we all fall asleep. I try not to like Erica, I feel horrible for how cold I am, its the only way to keep her safe.

I watch the sun set over the buildings. The dirty white stone and industrialised shops and stations make the city seem dark, and mysterious. Just as we let sleep take hold of our minds somone throws something at me. I sit up straight, my eyes shoot open and I see a man standing over me. His smart suit and tie make him look serious. I wonder why he is bothering with the homeless gang...

"Dil Howelter?" He says looking down on me, LITERALLY.

"Y-yes" I stutter slightly

"Come with me" he says and I shake my head. He grabs me and forces me across the station.

"NO LET ME GO, HELP" I try to yell but it just comes out in tired hisses. Damn you lisp. My thin, starving body can't fight him for long and soon I fall limp in his hand. He drives me away in a large car and quickly puts me to sleep, With drugs.

I wake up in a basement, I am strapped to a machine with wires and a heart beat monitor. The man walks over.

"Ah Dil, I might as well explain, I am doing an experiment on how children react to pain. So I thought I would choose a homeless kid, who no one will notice when gone" he says grinning at me. I look at him and start to do something I haven't done in four years. I start to cry, little, quiet, sobs. He looks horrified and runs over to cover my mouth. I am quickly shut up but tears still run down my cheeks.

"Hello! Who's there?" Someone yells. A familiar somone. I see someone walk in, a girl, the girl. It's Zoe. She looks at the man and I feel tears fall down my face. She yells at the top of her voice "ALFIE QUICK"

"Silence Girl!" The man yells. Another man, who I assume is Alfie, runs in. He stops for a second and punches the man in the face. I feel the fear grasp me and I faint quickly. Into the land of dreams....

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