5) Everything is okay

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*dat title doe*

Dil's POV
"Dil They're here" Zoe says as Nala licks my face. I nod and stand up. I walk downstairs, still playing Pokémon. I look up and see my Dads looking anxious. I put my DSI down and run to them. I am met by arms and hugs and I feel that warmth return.

"Dil" Dad whispers to me

"Dad, Papa" I say and they hug me tighter.

"Awwwwe" Zoe says and I laugh a little.

"Hi Dil" Papa says and I hug them both again. I spent 4 years alone and I am not letting this moment go if its the last thing I do.

"Dilly" Dad laughs and I giggle.

"Yes?" I ask, almost conquering the lisp. Almost. We get inside a Taxi and I finally get to go home. I get out Pooh and hug him to my chest. He is rather muddy and dirty but I hug him all the same.

"Who's that?" Dad asks smiling

"Pooh" I say showing the faded print on the label. Dad laughs and hugs Pooh.

"I thought grown-ups were to old for toys" I say amused

"Oh no grown-ups are never to old for toys" Papa says, smiling.

"Yay!!" I laugh and they laugh as well. We eventually reach a block of flats. It's enormous compared to the square of cardboard. Dad carrys me to the living room and we sit down. I sit on Dad's knee and Papa puts on Pokémon. I used to watch Pokémon. Over Skyla's shoulder, she used to have 3 episodes downloaded onto a tablet. I can basically mouth along to those. I watch the one on and realise its one of the ones I watched. In the mail at Zoe and Alfie's there was a box. It had all my stuff in. You can do alright for yourself rooting through bins and Erica had sent all my stuff. I look through my backpack and find my Pokémon game. I can't read most of the words and I am not very good at hand control but I can still get kinda far. I haven't looked through my backpack other then my DSI so I am suprised by a scrawled letter at the bottom.


ItS ErIcA, I sAw YoU wEnT hOmE fRoM a PaSsEnGer

So I sEnT yOu YoUr StUfF

-ErIcA pAnCaKeS

I smile and look at my stuff. At the bottom I find my lion Blanket. It's just a baby Blanket but its all I could keep from my Dads. I pull it out and hug it. Papa looks at it and smiles happily at my lion.

"Hello Lion" I say, looking at my blankets messy, sooty, mane.

"Is his name Lion?" Papa asks smiling. He leaves the room and comes back with a tiny toy lion "this is Lion too" he smiles and I make my Blanket wave. Pooh Bear jumps on Dad and he smiles. I watch the cartoon happily and smile at the picture on screen. Pikachu shocks Ash and I watch intensely as they become friends.

I root through the bag again and find the grubby iPod. I clean the screen with my t-shirt and turn it on. I open the game '7 Second Challenge' which was downloaded when I found it a month ago. Just before the man in the train station. Dad looks over my shoulder and carefully takes my IPod out my hands. He points the camera at me and says.

"In seven seconds name 3 species of cat!" And I start thinking quickly

"Uhh- Siamese and- and- Tabby Cat... And..... Hunter Cat!" I say and seven seconds goes up straight after.

"YAY!" Papa cheers and I laugh. I keep rooting through and find a book 'Rory The Dinosaur, battersham library'

"What's that?" Dad asks and he looks at my book. He smiles at the book and I open it, reading slowly. We look through my bag together and laugh at the random things I have. I feel happy about how this turned out. I smile happily. I'm happy. And I'm home. I plan on having a life now. After all, there is this little boy in this house now, he's only four.

He's Only FourOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora