Chapter 3

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So... I'm gonna mix it up a little and do a chapter in the boys' points of view. All four in one chapter. And chapters that don't specify a POV will be in Liv's POV. All rightie. Let's get started then, shall we?

Connor's POV

The call ends, and James puts his phone on the couch. We all sit on the ends of our beds.

"When did you meet this girl?" Tris asks.

"Technically... an hour ago. And her name is Liv," James says.

"An hour ago?" asks Brad.

"Yeah, but you have to admit she's pretty."

"Can't argue there," I mumble.

"Oooo does Connor have a little crush on Liv?" teases Tris.

"Maybe, maybe not. I'll never tell. Anyways, what do you think of her?" I direct the attention back to Tristan. He's saved from answering by James' phone chiming. We all look at each other and dive for his phone at the same time. James makes it first and snatches it before the rest of us can. So we crowd behind him instead. It's a message from Liv.

"It was so nice to talk to you in almost-person. Maybe we can talk again soon? Oh, and tell dear Connor that he should be seen shirtless more often. And I was kidding. The view was fantastic. ;)"

They all turn and look at me, and I blush.

"She so likes you," says Brad.

James' POV

It hurts just a little that Liv likes Connor. I mean, I'm happy for him, but it seemed like she liked me, from what she said. It must just be her personality, that she's flirty with everyone. She probably just doesn't realize it, is all.

"That's not possible," says Connor. I finally tune into the conversation.

"Believe it, mate," I say. "She likes the view." I wink at him. Connor blushes again. Tristan's phone flashes.

"And now I have evidence that Connor blushes," he says.

"Send that to me," says Brad.

"And me," I say.

"You suck," Connor complains.

"Maybe," says Brad. "But you couldn't live without us. You like us too much."

My phone chirps, and I see that Tris has sent me the picture. I open it and grin. I look up at Connor. "I am so sending this to Liv," I say. He dives at me.

"No. You cannot do that." He tries to take my phone but I just hold it out of his reach. Being tall has its advantages.

"Speaking of Liv, have you responded yet? It may be 3 AM here, but it's only 8 PM there," says Tris.

"Shit, I forgot. Give me a minute." I type:

"Already done. He blushed. And thanks. And what's your number so we don't have to use Twitter all the time?" I send it and sit on my bed, crossing my legs. I only have to wait a minute or two before she responds.

"Awww, that's so cute!"

"Which is mainly why I want your number, so I can send you the picture Tris took of him."

"omg there's a pic of him?!?! I have to see that now. Mkay here's my number..." I save her number and send her the picture.

"Awww! He blushes! That's funny. I had you pegged for the blushing type, not him." I laugh.

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