Chapter 4

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I wake up the next morning to find sunlight streaming through my window. I turn over, and look at the clock. 8:30 AM, it reads. I have forty-five minutes before I have to be at the dance studio. I jump in the shower. Ten minutes later, I'm putting on my purple leotard and pink tights. I grab a quick breakfast, cereal and a muffin. I twist my hair into a French twist, securing it with pins. I put in my contacts, and brush my teeth. I put on a pair of black leggings over my leotard and check myself once more in the mirror. The deep purple color brings out my hazel eyes.

I take a quick selfie, writing, time to leave for rehearsal... Almost time for competition! Wish me luck! I put my phone in my bag, and drive to the studio.

I put on my tap shoes, and pull up the music I need. The little girls come in, and I start teaching class. I know, I know, most 16 year old's don't teach a tap class. Well, this 16 year old teaches three. So I take a long gulp of tea, and brace myself for the next three hours.

Tristan's POV

We're all over at Brad's, out in the sun, one of the rare sunny days. Both Brad and James are drenching each other in water, and Connor and I are stretched out just outside of their splash zone. Connor has a book, and I'm taking random photos of trees and bushes and nature in general. James' phone chimes.

"James!" I yell.


"Your phone is making noises!"

"Okay, Brad, pause. I gotta see what Tris is yelling about." He walks over, and I hand him his phone before taking a picture of the grass next to me. What can I say? I'm bored.

"Liv's gonna be in a competition," he says.

"What? When?" asks Connor.

"Listen closely, mate," I tease.

"That's all I know so far. She just wrote it on one of her pictures today," James says.

Liv's POV

The last class ends, and I have a quick lunch before putting on my pointe shoes and going into class. I say hi to everyone and go to the barre. I warm up my feet and class starts.

~2 hours later~

I take off my pointe shoes and put my leggings back on. I leave my feet bare and go back into the room. The rest of my group joins me, and we start our last rehearsal before the competition tonight. We spend two hours running our numbers, stopping and starting the music until we get the dances exactly how we want them. I eventually head home. I check my phone to find messages from James.

"What's this competition you were talking about earlier?"

"Oops forgot to ask how you are..."

"So really? What is this competition?"

"I'm pretty sure that if you don't respond Connor is going to explode." I laugh and quickly respond.

"I'm well, thx for asking. And I was in rehearsal all day, so no need to make Connor explode. So chill a minute, and if I don't respond right away, it's because I'm in class. And this competition is a dance competition. We're taking four of our dances and performing them in front of judges, who will then score them based off of several criteria. It's my group's first competition together."

I lock my phone, then get in the shower so I can wash all the sweat off. When I come back out, I find a new message from James.

"Ooooohhhhhh. That makes sense."

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