Chapter 10

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Connor's POV

Rain falls heavy on the roof, hitting windows and half-waking me up. My eyes take in the canopy above me. I realize that I don't have a canopy on my bed. I wake up completely, and realize someone is asleep next to me. I turn my head to see Liv curled against my side, her hair spread out behind her. I kiss her forehead and slowly make my way out of bed, trying not to wake her up. I pad to the door. A gasp sounds from the bed, and I run over.

"What is it?" I ask. "What's wrong?"

"It's so cold!" Liv says. I laugh.

"It's not cold," I say. Liv slits her eyes at me.

"I'm from the desert," she says. "It's cold."

"Do you want me to stay?" I offer. "We can be cold together."

"No, no, you go do... whatever it is you were going to do," she says.

"I honestly wasn't sure what I was going to do. I was going to let you sleep," I say. "Actually, that's not true. I was going to take advantage of you being asleep and enjoy having the house to myself."

"Now that we're both awake, what are you planning?" she asks. I smile.

"Maybe I'll go spill cereal all over the kitchen floor," I tease.

"If you do..." Liv shoots me a death glare, an invisible wall sliding into place behind her eyes.

"I'm kidding! I'm not gonna do that," I say. Liv laughs.

"I know, I'm messing with you."

"You're good," I say.

"Oh, I know. It comes with practice." She looks at the clock. "I suppose it's necessary to get up." I collapse against the pillows.

"I don't want to," I whine. Liv laughs, and props herself up on one elbow.

"A minute ago you were already getting up," she says. I take her hand.

"I know, but now I want to stay here with you for a while," I say. She laughs again.

"I'm afraid there isn't much to do up here." She traces one finger along my collarbone.

"Oh, all right," I sigh. She moves to get up, and I wrap an arm around her waist and pull her back down to my side. She squeals and I laugh. "One kiss."

"Ew, no! Boys have cooties!" She tries to roll away.

"This isn't primary school," I say.

"Not for you," she says. "My mental age is easily primary school age. But I'll kiss you anyways." I brush a thumb across her cheekbone, her eyes fluttering shut. I kiss her, pulling her close.

"Ew," someone states from the doorway. Liv pulls back, making a sound that sounds like a growl.

"Every time," she mutters, and sighs. She props herself up on one elbow, splaying her free hand on my chest, and puts on a face that reminds me of a cat, nonchalant and regal. "Yes?"

"When your royal highnesses are quite finished, we downstairs want breakfast," the person says. Liv sighs.

"What I don't understand, James, is why you couldn't get breakfast yourselves. We're quite busy," she says.

"Save all that for the bloody honeymoon. Breakfast won't wait," James says.

"I wasn't talking about that, good God," Liv says. "Fine. Time to get up, baby boy." She kisses my cheek then gets up. I groan and stand. Liv grins then pads over and combs her fingers through my hair.

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