Chapter 14

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Despite what many people believe, picking a lock is NOT the easiest thing to do in the world, it takes years of patience, practice, and the ability to keep you from shooting the doorknob in a fit of blind rage (something neither Felicia nor I mastered until fairly recently). And the fact that there was two FBI agents looking over my shoulder and six more behind the door didn't exactly let my criminal instincts lay dormant for very long. The entire time my head was running on adrenaline, stressing me out even more, making it even more impossible to successfully pick the lock; turning into a downwards cycle threatening to revert me back into my "JUST SHOOT THE DAMN LOCK," phase.

When the lock finally made a light clicking sound, I sighed - mostly relieved that my handgun didn't have to get involved - and opened the door as quietly as possible, just in case the other team was behind it, and looked inside as slyly as possible. None of the "2p Allies" were there, much to my relief. I entered the room looking out for any alarms, cameras, or anything else that could give away our presence, and to my utter disbelief, there were none; yet another thing that this team differed from my former bosses.

"Hey, Rose Boy, we have a little situation down here," A muffled voice said through Antonio's radio.

"2pAllies are in the building, Feta-Bread bribed the management to keep them down here for as long as possible but we don't know how long you have, get out of there while you still can."

"No way in hell." I said. "You two can leave, but I'm not leaving until I found my team."

"But chica-" Antonio started.

"No. Let her do as she will, there's nothing you can say that can stop her," Citroen interjected, then he turned is attention to me. "We'll give you as much time as possible Dia, but hurry."

Before I could thank him he and Antonio ran off, loading their guns as they did. And I turned my attention to the room as I closed and locked the door quietly.

The room looked like a penthouse suite, and although I don't like the other team for obvious reasons, I can't help but say that they definitely have exquisite taste. The rugs, curtains, and furniture looked handmade, and probably all imported. There were seven hardwood desks placed in two neat rows (three in the front, four in the back) with writing utensils, pictures, desktops, and other normal office supplies - nothing incriminating there, and about 6 inches too short and 4 inches too narrow to hide a even an average sized person in (don't ask how I know that). There were an abundance of footprints on the hardwood floor, and a large portion of people took a very specific route. I followed the footprints to a tall bookshelf on the back wall next to a large window.

Now before you assume that there was a secret passage behind the bookshelf, I'll tell you something right now. I was a professional criminal and now a special agent in the FBI. I have seen everything from Caucasian ninjas to the stereotypical bounty hunter who rides on a motorcycle, wears a ten-gallon hat, and smokes a pack of cigarettes a day. But I have never, ever, seen a secret entrance behind a bookshelf. And that would not be the day where I would see it. But it wasn't so rare to find a lever within a bookshelf for a secret entrance.

Most of the books were modern novels or reference books, but a very distinct book caught my eye; a frayed royal blue book with the title "The Blue Gemstone" in gold lettering on the shelf placed perfectly in my line of sight. No author or publishing company on it, just "The Blue Gemstone." I hesitantly pulled the book back to look at it and heard a slight hiss from behind, coming from the empty seventh desk. I whipped my head around and approached it cautiously as the desk and the floor under it slid back revealing a hidden hatch to a dark room below it, and without second thought I jumped in, not caring that the hatch didn't close behind me.

The only thing in the room was an old elevator, not connected to the buildings' one, and with only one floor listed, "the glass-room." I hesitantly stepped in and slid the metal gate closed. And before I could push a button the elevator shook, as if it sensed my presence, then started its descent.

It arrived to a room just like the one from my dream the other night, the cold stone floors, and pristine white walls. For a moment I feared that the there would be blood on the ground, leading right toward my teammates. I was too shaken with fear to exit the elevator and shut my eyes tightly to avoid seeing my worst nightmare.

"(Name)! Thank goodness you're okay!" I heard a voice call out to me from behind the elevator.

I turned around and saw my teammates behind a glass pane, smiling in relief at my good health, unlike them. They're clothes were ragged and they all looked as if they hadn't slept in years.

I rushed out of the elevator, towards them and felt as if, for the first time in years, I could cry from the pure and utter relief I felt. I found my team. It was over.

"Are you guys okay?" I asked, raising my voice so that they could hear me through the glass. "How do I get you out of here?"

"There should be a digital lock on you side on the far left," Alfred said. "But the only way to unlock it is with a passcode."

"They mentioned that we all know what it is, since it was how we got here," Matthew said.

"It's twelve letters long, and starts with a 'B,'" Arthur said.

Wait, I thought, twelve letters, starts with 'B.' It couldn't be...

I turned on the screen and typed in "b-l-u-e-g-e-m-s-t-o-n-e" and the screen flashed green. The glass door made a clicking sound and the guys ran out and hugged me gratefully, even Arthur who always claimed to hate hugs.

"Mon cher! That was magnifique!" Francis said.

"That was amazing (Name)!" Yao yelled.

I was about to respond when a smooth voice interjected, "Yes, Blue Gemstone. That was in fact amazing."

Our celebration came to a swift close as my teammates put me protectively behind them. The brown haired New Yorker eyed me hungrily, looking straight past my teammates.

"But this is the end of the line."

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